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Do you feel dry eyes all day? Find out what to do to improve the situation

Ophthalmologist Daniel Matushita says that what surrounds us can have a lot of influence to generate this discomfort

To the Ask the expert this week we talk about it dry eyes. If you also have questions about health, psychology, wellness, exercise or nutrition, write to [email protected] or send a DM to our instagram.

My eyes feel dry, even after applying the eye drops. What should I do? Rita hairstyle

Answers Daniel Matushita, ophthalmologist

The complaint that the eye is drier is quite common, regardless of the age group. People with no eye problems can feel it when they pass by. a long time in front of the screensin places with poor air quality and prolonged periods in rooms with air conditioning.

The sensation is aggravated for those suffering from a lack of tears, which can be associated rheumatoid arthritis. Patients with blepharitis, an inflammation of the eyelids, have poor quality tears, which also cause dry eyes.

In all cases, increase the frequency of use of eye drops on drier days, places with more polluted air, after prolonged use of screens or under air conditioning, can help.

Using better quality eye drops also helps. Options with naphazoline are no longer recommended. Also, it’s best to look for the ones that don’t have preservatives.

If the eye drops don’t work, another tip is to include eyelid hygiene in your routine: clean your eyelids morning and evening with a neutral shampoo. This process can also be done with special eyelid hygiene solutions, which are found in pharmacies.

In more serious situations it may be necessary to use ointments with antibiotics and corticosteroids, always based on the doctor’s opinion.

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Source: Terra

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