Types of jelly: learn the right way to prepare them

Types of jelly: learn the right way to prepare them

Types of jelly: learn the right way to prepare them

Have you ever made desserts where one of the important ingredients was gelatin and the recipe just went wrong? So it is! This could have happened since use of gelatin incorrectly🇧🇷 Although it is common, it is important to note that there are different types of jelly. Therefore, nothing better than learning how to prepare each one so as not to damage or change the flavor.

A classic option to consume at any time, jelly is a sweet that satisfies the palate of young and old. And if you believe that gelatin is the same thing, know that you are wrong. There are 3 types and for each a different preparation is required, this will also depend on the type of candy you are going to prepare to use the jelly. Check below!

unflavored gelatin powder

Also known as colorless gelatin powder, this option serves to give more texture to desserts, like pudding and flan, for example. It can also be used for thick toppings, keeping it from running down the cake.

Method of preparation:

Mix the gelatin powder with cold water, according to the quantity indicated in the recipe or on the package. Let stand for 5 minutes to hydrate and bring to medium heat, in a double boiler, stirring with a spoon until completely dissolved.

Tip: You can dissolve the already hydrated gelatin powder in water in the microwave, on high power, for 10-20 seconds, stirring halfway through.

Flavored gelatin powder: colored gelatin/traditional

Because it is easy and practical to prepare, since most of the work is done in the refrigerator, it is one of the most consumed types of jelly. Both in the traditional way and in various desserts, it’s a big hit!

Method of preparation:

Mix the contents of the box with 250ml of boiling water and stir with a spoon until dissolved. Add the same amount of cold water and refrigerate until hardened. Tip: some recipes call for the flavored gelatin to be dissolved in milk instead of water. In that case, always use hot milk.

Gelatin Sheets: Works like gelatin powder

Sheet gelatin serves the same purpose as the other two already mentioned. In other words, it mainly serves to give more texture to the preparation of desserts such as puddings, tarts, mousses, among others.

Some people are afraid to use gelatin leaves because of its preparation, but the truth is that there is no secret. But be careful when choosing jelly, because there are two types:

  • colorless gelatin sheetwhich contains no flavor and therefore does not alter the final taste of the recipe;
  • sheet of red gelatin, also devoid of flavor but which influences the final color of the dish. So the recommended thing is to use it only in colored desserts, ok?

How to prepare gelatin sheets:

Put the gelatin sheets in a bowl and cover with cold water. Leave to rest for 5 minutes or according to the time indicated in the recipe. Squeeze the leaves with your hands to remove excess water, add hot water and stir until dissolved. Tip: never boil gelatin as it will become stringy and ruin your recipe.

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Source: Terra

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