Alvorada will have a new resident with Janja’s adoption of the dog Esperança; Former presidents have kept dogs around in buildings; The Minas Gerais MP fought in court to keep exotic animals in the condominium where he lives
The dog adopted by First Lady Rosângela da Silva, Janja, last week in Rio Grande do Sul, amid the rain tragedy, is another dog that will appear on the premises of the Palácio da Alvorada. The dog was called “Esperança”, was rescued in Canoas and will have the company of “Resistência”, who climbed the ramp of the Palácio do Planalto on January 1, 2023, when Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) took on his third mandate as President of the Republic.
The resistance became known for having circulated in the camp formed by militants and supporters of Lula, in Curitiba, during the period in which he was detained in the Federal Police prison due to his second degree conviction for passive corruption and money laundering in scope of Operation Lava Jato.
Climbing the ramp of the Palácio do Planalto, Resistência became the first animal to directly participate in the presidential inauguration. Also in the current term, Lula and Janja have their dog Paris to keep them company.
Jair Bolsonaro (PL) also brought dogs to live in Alvorada during his term in office, between 2019 and 2022. An Instagram page, stocked with photos until 2021, showed the dogs’ daily lives in Brasilia.
The dog who also became famous for having participated in an official event was Nestor. In 2020, then-President Bolsonaro passed a law to toughen penalties for animal abuse. Nestor “signed” the sanction with the former chief executive.
“Whoever does not show love for an animal, like a dog, for example, cannot show love, in my opinion, for almost anything in this life,” Bolsonaro said at the time. The practice of abuse and mistreatment of animals is punishable by imprisonment from two to five years, in addition to a fine and a ban on detention.
Nego had to be euthanized because he suffered from canine degenerative myelopathy, which occurred in 2016, shortly before Dilma left office. The measure was taken on medical advice, to shorten the animal’s suffering. She had been with Dilma since 2005.
A little further back in history, João Batista Figueiredo was a horse enthusiast. In 1982, a photo published in the “Jornal da Tarde”, a publication of the Grupo Estado, reported that the last president of the military dictatorship (1964-1985) rode for two hours on his horse Corsario.
Figueiredo, who held the presidency between 1979 and 1985 during the military regime, was asked by a journalist in the late 1970s if he liked “the smell of people.” The answer went down in history. “Horses smell better.”
Among the current governors, Ronaldo Caiado (União Brasil), from Goiás, stands out. The politician, candidate to run for the presidency of the Republic in 2026, is said to be passionate about dogs. There are also videos on his social networks of a collection of images of Caiado with dogs.
In February this year, the governor of Goiás organized a draw to donate newborn dogs. The draw took place on the 29th of the same month. “Every time I post my dogs here on social media, many people ask me for a puppy. With a house full of puppies, I decided to do a giveaway for those who, like me, are passionate about dogs. This is a gift from the heart, you know?!,” he said at the time.

The deputy of the state of Minas Gerais Noraldino Junior (PSB) has a more exotic animal as a pet. He keeps an ox in his condominium. The case ended up in court because local residents disagreed with the animal’s presence in an urban area.
In 2021, however, the court kept the ox Ferdinand in the custody of the parliamentarian. “Despite being on land near Noraldino’s house, having all the facilities, spaces and conditions to be happy, there was a petition to remove Ferdinando, on the grounds that it was not a rural area. But, for court order, Ferdinand will stay,” the deputy’s office posted on social media.
In an Instagram post, a follower asks Noraldino if he thinks it’s strange to have a pig as a pet. He then replies: “I have an ox that is a pet. Look, here it is, Ferdinand.”
Source: Terra

Rose James is a Gossipify movie and series reviewer known for her in-depth analysis and unique perspective on the latest releases. With a background in film studies, she provides engaging and informative reviews, and keeps readers up to date with industry trends and emerging talents.