VISC11 will pay more than R.8 million in dividends;  see when and the results of the month

VISC11 will pay more than R$28.8 million in dividends; see when and the results of the month

The real estate fund VISC11 recorded a result of R$18,222 million in April, according to a new management report published on Thursday (9).

This VISC11 result, equivalent to R$ 0.63 per share, includes a result of shopping centers (remittances) of R$ 20.657 million, which corresponds to R$ 0.72 per share.

As for this profit, the VISC Dividends11 which will be paid in May will amount to R$ 28.829 million, equal to R$ 1.00 per share. At the end of April, FII still had an accumulated and undistributed profit of R$24.235 million, corresponding to R$0.84 per share.

OR FIIVISC11 it still had a financial result of R$ 931 thousand. This result also includes expenses with administrative costs, for R$ 3.28 million, and other fund expenses, for a total of R$ 85 thousand.

The estimate of VISC income11 for the first half of 2024 it is between R$ 1.00 and R$ 1.10 per share.

Since the establishment of the FII, the total gross return accumulated by the fund is 99.5%. In this comparison period, IFIX recorded a total profitability of 51.9%. Therefore the accumulated profitability of the fund is almost double that of the real estate fund index.

VISC11 portfolio performance and updates

Considering the shopping centers that make up the VISC11 real estate fundNOI Caixa slowed in March, falling 1.7% year-on-year, compared to March 2023, reaching R$80/m².

On the other hand, sales in the portfolio’s shopping centers were R$1,265.5/m², an increase of 4.4% year-on-year. Discount and net default levels remained at “extremely healthy” levels, according to management, of 2.1% and -0.7%, in that order.

By the end of the month, the net worth of the VISC11 was R$3.7 billion, while holdings in shopping centers amounted to R$3.7 billion. The amount related to financial investments was R$482.7 million, of which R$478.6 million in public bonds and DI reference funds with immediate liquidity, as well as R$4.1 million in FII shares .

Source: Terra

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