Janja Posts Photo With Anielle Franco Amid Harassment Allegations Against Silvio Almeida

Janja Posts Photo With Anielle Franco Amid Harassment Allegations Against Silvio Almeida

First Lady Rosangela da Silva, known as Janja, published in the early hours of this Friday, the 6th, a photo in which she appears kissing the forehead of the Minister of Racial Equality, Anielle Franco. The publication comes in the midst of complaints against the Minister of Human Rights, Silvio Almeida, for alleged cases of harassment. Janja did not add any caption to the image published on her Instagram profile via stories.

This Thursday, the NGO Me Too Brasil, which deals with harassment complaints, released a statement saying it has received complaints of harassment against Silvio Almeida. The organization did not present evidence or provide details about the accusations against the minister. In a note and a video posted on social media, Silvio Almeida says the accusations are false and without evidence and that he is a victim of persecution.

Anielle Franco, would be among the victims and, according to the site Metropolishad already complained to other government officials about incidents of harassment by Almeida. State/Broadcast they discovered that some members of Lula’s team had been informed, about three months ago, of the minister’s accusation.

The complaint reached the Palácio do Planalto, but it was not pursued because Anielle did not formalize it, with the motivation that she did not want to harm the government.

After the charges were made public, the government called on Almeida to clarify the situation and said it would send a letter to the CGU and the Prosecutor’s Office admitting the “seriousness of the charges.” Anielle has not commented on the case.

Source: Terra

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