A city in SP that has only had 2 mayors in 30 years is facing an unprecedented second round

A city in SP that has only had 2 mayors in 30 years is facing an unprecedented second round

Beto Piteri (Republicans) and Gil Arantes (Union) are competing for the executive of Barueri (SP)

The city of Barueri, in Greater São Paulo, has had only two mayors for 30 years. The current one, Rubens Furlan (PSB), and his predecessor, Gilberto Macedo Gil Arantes (União), were the two names at the helm of the Executive since 1993. Although both have dominated the political scene since then, they have never contested a election against each other.

However, in this year’s elections, Furlan’s current MP, Beto Piteri (Republicans), competes for the position with Arantes, in an unprecedented scenario, as it is the first time in history that the municipality will have a runoff.

According to Data SUS, the IBGE census predicted that until 1988 Barueri did not have 115,758 residents, so there would be no second round, provided for by the 1988 Constitution, only for municipalities with more than 200 thousand voters. That year Carlos Alberto Bel Correia was elected with 49.69%.

In subsequent years, all mayors received more than 50% of the votes in their first year. Furlan was mayor from 1993 to 1996. Then it was the turn of Gil Arantes, for two terms, from 1997 to 2004. Furlan returned in 2004 and remained there until 2012, giving way again to Arantes from 2013 to 2020 Once again the first – he was elected mayor and since 2021 he has been head of the municipal administration.

According to the 2022 IBGE census, the city has 316,473 people and can take the second shift. This time Furlan did not run, leaving the turn to his deputy, Beto Piteri, who held the position in his last two mandates (2009-2012 and 2021-2024). The Republican candidate obtained 48.3% of valid votes in the first round, with around 17 thousand votes ahead of Gil Arantes, who totaled 39.8%.

Piteri was already mayor of Jandira (SP), between 1983 and 1988. Having graduated in mathematics and physics, he took over the management of the Planning Council of the Metropolitan Company of São Paulo – Metrô in 1991. Two years later, he was again elected mayor of Jandira and served his term until 1996.

Candidate nominated by Furlan, he received the support of governor Tarcísio de Freitas (Republicans), and his vice president is Dr. Cláudia Marques.

Meanwhile, Arantes also brings with him ample political baggage. He was mayor of Barueri for three terms, and was also a state deputy. The Union candidate was also municipal secretary of Sport and Labor in 1985. He is supported by Pablo Marçal (PRTB), who invites him to be one of his secretaries, if he wins the elections. His deputy is his wife, the entrepreneur Silvia Arantes.

Source: Terra

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