Tonight on TV: A poignant rarity worn by the enormous Annie Girardot

Tonight on TV: A poignant rarity worn by the enormous Annie Girardot

In 1955, the comedy Treize à table introduced Annie Girardeau to the public. Sixteen years later, the actress gave one of her best performances in André Caillat’s intense drama (to which we owe Justice est fait or Les Risques du Métier).

Released in cinemas in 1971, Mourir d’aimer tells the story of a woman’s descent into hell. Daniel Gueno (Annie Girardot), 32 years old, divorced and mother of two children, professor of literature in Rouen. During the May 68 social movements, he organized meetings in his home to discuss and question the community.

It was at this time that she met Gerard Legen (Bruno Pradal), a 17-year-old student who fell in love with her and told her so. She pushes him away at first, but eventually gives in to the love he shares. The parents of a young man are crying and complaining about the misappropriation of a minor…

A key role in Annie Girardot’s career

Dying to Love is inspired by the news that shook France in the spring of 1968. A forbidden love story between Gabriel Russer, a 32-year-old associate professor, and one of his students, then 17-year-old Christian Ross. .

Gabriel was then sentenced to twelve months in prison and fined 500 francs, but this sentence would eventually erase President Georges Pompidou. Despite a mixed reception when it was released in theaters, the dramaAndre Cayat was a triumph with almost six million admissions.

That’s not all, as it won the Grand Prix du cinéma français and was nominated for a Golden Globe in the Best Foreign Language Film category. In the face of this unprecedented success, Annie Girardot sees his career explode.

After this painfully rare film, he rose to international fame and from there followed a decade of film success, notably with the feature films Docteur Françoise Gailland, Les Misérables and La Pianiste, which earned him a César.

Many viewers on AlloCiné also praise the actor’s performance die for love :

“We come in shocked, outraged, obviously helped by Girardo’s performance”, “Annie Girardot in Perhaps Her Best Role”, “Anne Girardot is amazing once again, arguably her best role with Dr. Françoise Gayland.” or even “Annie Girardot, sober, dignified, full of emotion and suppressed anger.”

Tonight at Arte at 20:55.

Source: Allocine

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