News on Netflix: This is one of the best novels of all time, and it’s becoming a TV series! shall we see

News on Netflix: This is one of the best novels of all time, and it’s becoming a TV series! shall we see

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Chronicles several generations of the Buendia family, whose patriarch José Arcadio Buendia is the founder of Macondo, a fictional city in Colombia.

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Filmed in Colombia, One Hundred Years of Solitude was directed by Alex García López (Wrong, Marvel’s Luke Cage, The Witcher, Star Wars: The Acolyte) and Laura Mora (Frontera Verde, Los reyes del mundo).

The two cornerstones of the series are Marco González (Darkest Hour), who portrays José Arcadio Buendía, the patriarch of the family, and Susana Morales, who portrays Ursula Iguarán, the matriarch.

The whole story of One Hundred Years of Solitude begins with them and their “cursed” or “forbidden” love, to the fear of their families. Indeed, José and Ursula are cousins, and those around them fear that their offspring will be born with piglets.

José and Ursula will have children without defects and children of their own, including Colonel Aureliano (Claudio Catano, pictured in Maria Magdalena) and his numerous descendants, consisting of several Aurelianos who realize that their fate has been written in the course of events and. prophesied by a gypsy alchemist named Melquiades (Carlos Suarez, seen in La Casa de Papel),

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It’s a literary masterpiece that Netflix has pulled off with this series and, most importantly, with the support of the author’s family. Ranked among the 100 best books of all time One Hundred Years of SolitudeConsidered one of the greatest novels of the 20th century, it has sold over 50 million copies and been translated into over forty languages.

Published in 1967 by Gabriel García Márquez, Colombian author, short story writer, journalist, and Nobel Prize laureate in literature, the work is cited as a centerpiece of Ibero-American literature and the most compelling representative of the magical realism movement.

The fresco of the Dantesque family

The scale of the story of One Hundred Years of Solitude is such that it has long been considered inappropriate, and you have to catch up to understand all the relationships that take place in the Buendia family, as you have them for seven generations. Especially since some characters have the same names as their elders or ancestors, just to spice things up.

Fortunately for the audience, a voiceover is used to tell this tragic tale and guide the audience through this historical and mystical mural that surrounds the Buendía family. The latter is led by José Arcadio Buendía and Ursula Iguarán, two cousins ​​married against the wishes of their loved ones, who left the village with friends and adventurers.

They founded a utopian city on the banks of a river of prehistoric stones, which they named Macondo. This new home will become the cradle of life that will see the Buendia lineage grow and evolve with births, deaths, wars, disease, love and madness all interrupting their existence.

Because One Hundred Years of Solitude has an undeniable novelistic side to it, with its intrigue and cultural core, but this ambitious soapy tone fits perfectly with the scale of the narrative, which consists of skirmishes, coups and tragedies.

A fascinating and mystical tale

As if the Buendy family weren’t wealthy enough, they encounter magical phenomena, gifts, curses, and transcendental quests that lead them to bitter truths. Because the lineage is tormented by the fear of a terrible curse that punishes them, without hope, in a hundred years of solitude.

Even if the Buendía family, too charismatic and almost shamanistic for a city in constant expansion, occupies a central place in its society and the population that comes to meet them, they remain alone in their reflection and evolution.

Because One Hundred Years of Solitude, as its name suggests, condemns the family to seclusion in this city (even the members who leave, they always return as if magnetized to this cursed and saved house), where they saw them born and who will see them. his death.

A kind of spiritual and providential closed door, this series captivates with its cleverly unfolded plot, alternating between past and present, and fascinates with its mystical twist, which gives the family an almost divine singularity, with its features and deviations.

All embodied by a large group of actors, young and old, engaged and placed in an impressive and ambitious environment, with the right dose of visual effects, which gives the work a sense of authenticity, the paradox of its enchanted and fantastic atmosphere.

The first part of 8 episodes of the series “One Hundred Years of Solitude” is available on Netflix. The second part of episode 8 will be released soon.

Source: Allocine

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