The wife of the Minister of Education, Camilo Santana (PT), Onélia Santana, had her name approved on Friday the 13th, for a vacant position at the Court of Auditors of the State of Ceará (TCE-CE).
Questioned this Thursday the 12th by the Constitution, Justice and Writing Commission (CCJR) of the Legislative Assembly of Ceará (Alece), Onélia’s name received a favorable opinion in the commission and was subjected to the final examination of the extraordinary plenary session of the Chamber this Friday .
In a secret vote and in the presence of 41 MPs, the score was 36 votes to 5 for the educational psychologist, with a doctorate in Health Sciences from the ABC Faculty of Medicine, to take the position.
Onélia, who has been the secretary of Social Protection of Ceará since January 2023, will join the court for the next 33 years, until she reaches the mandatory retirement age of 75. The monthly salary of TCE-CE consultants is R$ 39,717.69.
Despite the dominance of the base of governor Elmano de Freitas (PT), ally and successor of the Minister of Education – Santana was governor of Ceará between 2015 and 2022 -, the session was characterized by demonstrations, especially against the nomination.
State MP Reginauro (União) criticized the state media for not having, in his opinion, focused on the topic during the candidate’s hearing. “It seemed bad, the appointment of Camilo Santana’s wife was vexatious and useless,” she said, referring to the news that had nationwide repercussions, citing that she is the fourth wife of a minister in President Luiz Inácio Lula’s government since Silva (PT) in auditors across the country.
Reginauro also questioned a technical criterion for the appointment, regarding the internal regulation, stating that, to be approved, the person cannot have responded to any criminal proceedings, stating that the “nothing reported” presented by the secretary concerns the current moment, and not the past. Romeu Aldigueri (PDT) asked to speak, specifying that the issue was clarified by Onélia during the hearing, referring to a closed investigation from which the secretary was acquitted.
MP Queiroz Filho (PDT) also spoke, corroborating the issue of procedural requirements. The MP also defended that the vote was open. Another opponent, Carmelo Neto (PL), said there was “clear manipulation” in the state by the education minister and that everyone already knew what the result of the vote would be. MPs also criticized the fact that Onélia’s hearing the day before was not open to the press.
Osmar Baquit (PDT) took to the stand to defend the nomination, stating that “it is pure envy, because Camilo has become the greatest political leader of the State” and stated that nominations also occurred in other governments, quoting Jair Bolsonaro (PL) the appointment of two ministers of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) and their closeness to Michelle Bolsonaro.
Source: Terra

Rose James is a Gossipify movie and series reviewer known for her in-depth analysis and unique perspective on the latest releases. With a background in film studies, she provides engaging and informative reviews, and keeps readers up to date with industry trends and emerging talents.