Bia Miranda exchanges barbs with her ex on social media
Bia Miranda AND Buarque they are parents of Kaleb7 months, but they broke off the relationship shortly after the baby was born. The child currently lives with his father.
This Monday, the 13th, the digital influencer used social media to say that her ex was preventing her from seeing her son. The former couple then entered into a new controversy with exchanges of barbs on social media.
Bia is in a relationship with Samuele Sant’Annabetter known as Black Catwho lives at Bia Miranda’s house. The ex Fazenda made sure to ask her boyfriend to leave the house when she goes to stay with Kaleb.
“I would never let anyone hurt my son. I think he’s already being picky. Does he have to leave the apartment building for my son to come? Since my son lives across the street from my house, he lives across the street from me and I can’t see my son”, he said tearfully.
Regarding custody of her son, Bia said she signed a contract that Buarque sent her and that she believed she was agreeing to alternate custody of the boy every 15 days, but in reality she agreed to give custody of Kaleb to her ex and see the guy every 15 days.
Buarque spoke out and said that no father or mother would want to see their child living in a drug-addicted environment. According to him, in Bia’s house people use drugs 24 hours a day.
On the web, internet users took the side of the DJ, canceling the influencer.
“Buarque is right, he protects his son”, said one;
“Absolutely Buarque, you can’t let your child grow up in an environment like that”wrote another.
I wait:
Source: Terra

Rose James is a Gossipify movie and series reviewer known for her in-depth analysis and unique perspective on the latest releases. With a background in film studies, she provides engaging and informative reviews, and keeps readers up to date with industry trends and emerging talents.