Sao Paulo confirms first human case of yellow fever in 2025

Sao Paulo confirms first human case of yellow fever in 2025

27-year-old patient, resident in the capital of São Paulo, was recently in Socorro, in the Campinas region

The Department of Health of the State of São Paulo (SES-SP) confirmed on Monday the 13th the first human case of yellow fever 2025. The patient is a 27-year-old man, resident in the capital São Paulo, who was recently in a rural area in the municipality of Socorro, in the Campinas region. No information has yet been released on the young man’s health.

Until then, the last cases in the state had been recorded in the first half of 2024. In March, a 50-year-old man who lived in Águas de Lindóia and traveled to the Monte Sião region of Minas Gerais died. due to illness. Shortly afterwards, in the rural area of ​​Serra Negra, a 28-year-old boy was diagnosed with the disease. He was vaccinated and recovered completely.

Deaths of monkeys

Four howler monkeys were found dead in the woods on campus University of Sao Paulo (USP) In Ribeirao Preto, the week between Christmas and New Year. Tests confirmed that the animals were victims of yellow fever. Furthermore, tests carried out on a primate in Pinhalzinho, in the Campinas region, also tested positive for the disease.

This Monday, the SES confirmed four more cases in animals, three registered in Ribeirão and one in Socorro.

Given the confirmations, the SES expanded vaccination actions and actively searched for non-immunized people, giving priority to forest areas. “We are working together with the Epidemiological Surveillance of the regions of Campinas and Ribeirão Preto on selective vaccination,” the health coordinator of the SES-SP Disease Control Coordination, Regiane de Paula, said in a statement. According to the ministry, 55 thousand vaccine doses were sent to Ribeirão Preto and 75 thousand to the Campinas region.

How does the transmission happen?

There are two different cycles of yellow fever transmission, wild and urban. In the wild cycle, monkeys are the main hosts and the vectors are mosquitoes of the genera Emagagogue AND Sabete. Man participates in this cycle as an accidental guest when he visits forest areas. In the urban cycle, humans are the only host with epidemiological relevance and transmission occurs through mosquitoes Aedes aegizi infected.

Can yellow fever be transmitted by monkeys?

No. Although monkeys host the disease in its natural cycle, it is only transmitted by infected mosquitoes.

What is the best way to protect yourself?

The main protective measure against yellow fever is vaccination. Currently the vaccination program includes one dose of vaccine at 9 months of age and another at 4 years of age. In people over 5 years of age who have not previously been vaccinated, the single-dose scheme is used. The vaccine is offered free of charge in health centers across the country.

What are the symptoms of yellow fever?

According to the Ministry of Health, the initial symptoms of the disease are: sudden fever, chills, pain in the head, back and body in general, as well as nausea, vomiting and weakness.

Typically, people improve after these symptoms, but 15% remain symptom-free for about a day and then progress to more severe conditions. Therefore, it is important to have medical monitoring.

Source: Terra

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