3,509 theaters are in operation in the country, a record for the 2014/2024 historical series achieved after the crisis caused by the pandemic
Still celebrating the Golden Globe for Best Drama Actress for Fernanda TorresBrazil’s film sector continues with good news. Now, about the operation of cinema halls in the country.
The milestone is historic: there are 3,509 rooms in operation. The information is from Brazil Agencywith data from National Cinema Agency (Ancine).
In an article for Folha de S. Paulothe Minister of Culture, Margareth Menezesstates that this is a record number for the 2014/2024 historical series. The text adds:
“This number includes those that were opened or renovated in 22 cities in the interior of the country. Fourteen of these municipalities had no operating room.”
The record comes after the film sector faced one of the biggest crises in its history. In 2019 there were 3,478 registered rooms. But, in 2020, due to the covid-19 pandemic, almost half of movie theaters were closed.
Recovery of cinema in Brazil
According to the Ministry of Culture (via Brazil Agency), the sector’s recovery began with the support of credit lines from the Audiovisual Sector Fund. This led to the opening of new rooms in municipalities in the interior and urban outskirts.
Cities such as Monte Carmelo and Ponte Nova, in Minas Gerais, and Miracema, in Rio de Janeiro, gained their first cinemas, while Viçosa, in Alagoas, reopened a cinema that had been closed for 30 years.
Accessibility and interest
The ministry also emphasizes that the impact goes beyond the increase in numbers. The new theaters made cinema available to historically excluded audiences, promoting greater accessibility.
Another fact is the growing interest of the Brazilian public in national cinema. In 2024, the number of viewers of productions made here doubled compared to the previous year: 121 million people attended movie theaters. An example is the film I’m Still Herewhich reached three million viewers in eight weeks on air.
Source: Rollingstone

Rose James is a Gossipify movie and series reviewer known for her in-depth analysis and unique perspective on the latest releases. With a background in film studies, she provides engaging and informative reviews, and keeps readers up to date with industry trends and emerging talents.