BBB 25: see Gracyanne reactions when you enter the secret room

BBB 25: see Gracyanne reactions when you enter the secret room

The sister can watch videos and listen to what is said at home; After a few days, it will return immune

The influencer Grayanne Barbosa will participate in the dynamics of the secret room of this Tuesday 4, in BBB 25. Your sister, Giovanna, was the most voted on the first individual wall of the edition, with 52.61%who gave the influencer a second chance at home.

Gracyanne greeted Giovanna and then entered the room. After discovering the dynamics, she and her sister showed surprise – Only then Thaddeus announced that she was eliminated from the week.

Arriving in the room, Gracyanne knelt on the floor and began to cry. Shortly after, he started apologizing to Giovanna. Look at the moment above.

In the secret room, the influencer will be able to watch videos and follow what is said at home. After a few days, it will return to immune reality.

Giovanna played the wall with Gracyanne and the former gaps Daniele and Diego Hypolito, who received 25.86% respectively, 17.07% and 4.46 %nder of the votes.

Source: Terra

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