We knew that Grand Theft Auto Franchise (GTA friends) was used to identify records, until they become an authentic cultural phenomenon. In March 2018, a study by Marketwatch showed that the GTA V, developed by Rockstar Studio and released in 2013, literally crushed any competition generated in terms of profit, including cinema.
With 90 million copies on this date, GTA V made a profit of $ 6 billion. By comparison, the film, such as Star Wars, was informed in box office, considering inflation, which is subject to $ 3 billion; The same thing gets the wind.
“Even The announced analyst Doug Crete from the company Cowen, who assessed that sales on these support made it possible to add $ 1 billion in the film’s revenue hour.
GTA IV, Paramount’s Scarecrow
There is also a beautiful anecdote that reflects this phenomenon of compressor roller and cultural phenomenon. On April 29, 2008, the previous component, GTA IV, should be dropped as a result of a linear crash.
Below, for record, game trailer …
In contrast, cinema on hand, paramount sweat executives. April 30, 2008, is likely to be the date of the release of his film IRON Man, which is headed by Robert Down Jr. The company is risky, especially since John Favrow’s film has to open the Hollywood blockbuster summer (long) ball that traditionally starts in May.
If a spider-man trilogy that is orchestrated by Sam Rayy, it is better after leaving 2002, Iron Man represents a new franchise, based on a character believed to be enough at that time. And at the time we are still far from that boom Marvel’s Kinematical WorldWhose bases have not yet been installed.
“Who is going to win the battle? Police killer and Royce rogue, or with higher technology armor?” Interrogated CNN. Analysts take the bets: They believe that from the very first week of its start, GTA IV should sell 5.8 million copies and bring $ 400 million. To start.
From the point of view of the dark room, the same analysts believe that IRON MAN should report to its first operating weekend, from 50 to $ 60 million.
Edward Wu, an analyst who specializes in the media and interactive entertainment in Wedbush Morgan Securities, quoted in the CNN article, says the date of release and its large range may adversely affect Box Office.
“They can’t cut each other for 2 hours to see an iron man?!”
“People who go on Friday or Saturday could meet at home rather than go to CinePlex. Quite a fair intuition …
“It is crazy to think that young people cannot be cut for two hours to see an iron man!” Loose Rob Moore, Vice President of Paramount in Entertainment Weekly. Facetious, CEO of Electronic Art, John Ricillello, is not at all unhappy that the video game can make it time to make the Hollywood industry, even if the GTA is published by a competitor, to get two interactive.

The latter also announced the same month earlier since the financial time that the Major’s leaders told him that he was told “The movie Iron Man was going to murder by Grand Theft Auto. I don’t think I have heard something like this” He said.
If Rob Moore declares “Don’t worry” For his film, it is a fact that the release of IRON Man is transferred to May 2, 2008. Very slight delay, which gives the film a little more oxygen and depreciates it, if you bet an end that will allow IRON Man to harvest almost $ 100 million for its first operating weekend.
Epiloga … Temporary
After the publication, Grand Theft Auto IV broke two records of sales throughout the history of the video games industry. This is the best -selling video game in one day and a week. The game has 3.6 million copies, which was sold on the first day and amounted to six million in the first week, with $ 500 million revenue.
On May 13, 2008, the game entered the book Guinness records in categories “Higher income video game in 24 hours” Sister “The best income that is generated by 24 hours an entertainment product.” In 2020, the sales of GTA IV evaluated 28 million copies, earning $ 2 billion.
Colossal figures, but also very far from GTA V and records that will go with it. The GTA, which eventually succeeds in another Opus GTA, destroys its records. Waiting for the future Grand Theft Auto VISome of them are already considering that this will be the biggest running in the history of the entertainment industry.
Its release is planned for this year, without the exact date. When this is the case, it will be interesting to see how the majors will do the exit of their blockbusters. There is no doubt that there must be some adjustments on the calendar once again …
Source: Allocine

Rose James is a Gossipify movie and series reviewer known for her in-depth analysis and unique perspective on the latest releases. With a background in film studies, she provides engaging and informative reviews, and keeps readers up to date with industry trends and emerging talents.