MusicThe punk band that is Thurston Moore’s (Sonic Youth) biggest inspiration

MusicThe punk band that is Thurston Moore’s (Sonic Youth) biggest inspiration

His idols’ minimalist approach transcended all of the musician’s beliefs about what a great rock band could be

Very influential in the alternative segment, the Sonic Youth was responsible for introducing a series of experimental techniques to rock. The band’s history is also marked by having helped the Nirvana to get a contract with a major record label. But who served as their inspiration?

In the case of the guitarist and vocalist Thurston Moorethe answer can be found in the early days of punk. The musician grew up listening to his older brother’s albums, but a certain band from New York changed everything in his world: Ramones.

In an interview with Uncut (via Guitar), he commented:

I was amazed, they transcended everything a great rock band could be, just using barre chords. Minimalism attracted me to the point where I thought, ‘this is what I want to do’.”

Born and raised in Connecticut, Moore moved to New York in 1976 after dropping out of college. Soon he became immersed in the local punk scene, which gave him direction in life. In an interview with the platform Tidalhe described the environment:

It was a completely new world, a new musical identity that was an option for youth culture, and it was very marginalized.”

Birth of Sonic Youth

After being part of some bands in the city, Thurston Moore began playing with the experimental composer’s guitar orchestra Glenn White. There, he formed a friendship with Lee Ranaldoa figure also present in the scene. The two had a common interest in alternative tunings.

Thurston was in a group with his girlfriend, Kim Gordon. The two invited Ranaldo to join them. Then the Sonic Youth.


Not just from Ramones a person lives. In case of Thurston Mooreit was necessary to find other ways to motivate yourself in the punk scene after a while.

The initial explosion of the movement was short and ended tragically — with the end of the Sex Pistols and the death of Sid Vicious. However, a new wave caused by hardcore renewed the musician’s interest.

In an interview with Rolling Stone USAMoore mainly highlighted the Minor Threat and the Washington D.C. scene. He said:

These DC kids embraced the roots aspects of punk rock, like the Ramones and the Sex Pistols. They created their own scene and the music around it. They got rid of the traps, like stuffing their faces and being irresponsible.”

Moore gave much praise in particular to the stance of Ian MacKaye. The leader of Minor Threatlater member of the Fugaziwas one of the pioneers of straight edge culture — which preaches abstinence from alcohol and drugs, as well as a responsible attitude towards women.

Collaborated: Pedro Hollanda.

Source: Rollingstone

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