Biden removes Cuba from the list of countries that support terrorism

Biden removes Cuba from the list of countries that support terrorism

The measure is part of the agreement for the release of prisoners

On the eve of his resignation, US President Joe Biden removed Cuba from the list of countries that sponsor terrorism, a measure that is expected to be revoked after the inauguration of Republican Donald Trump.

In a statement signed by Biden, the White House said Havana “has not provided any support to international terrorism in the previous six months” and “offers assurances” that it will not do so in the future.

The initiative is part of an agreement mediated by the Catholic Church for the release of 553 prisoners in Cuba, which left the American list of countries that finance terrorism in 2015, under the government of Barack Obama, but returned in 2021, under the administration Trump. The other three states involved in the relationship are North Korea, Iran and Syria.

Biden’s decision provoked reactions in the Republican Party.

“The terrorism promoted by the Cuban regime has not ended.

I will work with President Trump and my colleagues to immediately reverse and limit the damage resulting from this decision,” said Senator Ted Cruz.

The transition team, however, has not yet commented. The future US Secretary of State, Marco Rubio, is the son of Cuban immigrants who fled the island even before Fidel Castro’s communist revolution and a supporter of sanctions against Havana.

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez said the decision “goes in the right direction,” but added that the economic blockade imposed on the country “continues.” .

Source: Terra

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