Alok launches an environmental project for the recovery of degraded areas

Alok launches an environmental project for the recovery of degraded areas

DJ invests in reforestation and sustainable development in the Amazon

DJ ALOK has announced a new initiative aimed at environmental recovery of degraded areas in Brazil.

The project, called “Green Planet”, aims to repay the regions affected by deforestation and combustion, promoting sustainable development and benefit of local communities. With the initial actions scheduled for this year, the goal of the program is to restore the areas equivalent to over 200 football fields in Amazon.

Concerned for climate change and the conservation of biodiversity, Alok highlighted the importance of concrete actions to mitigate environmental impacts. “The solution is in nature itself.

We have to plant large -scale trees and recover ecosystems that have been destroyed, “said the DJ. In addition to reforestation, the project also intends to make the population aware of the urgency of environmental conservation.

In the state of Pará, “Planeta Verde” collaborated with the Airbnb Community Fund to invest $ 1 million on the island of Marajó. The initiative is part of the “Family Agroforestry” program, which will support 150 women in the region in cultivation of 250,000 native species seedlings.

This sustainable model will allow an increase of about 75% in the income of these families, as well as the strengthening of local food safety.

According to Manuel Amaral, executive coordinator of the Institute of Education of Brazil (IEB), the action will have a significant impact on the protection of the Amazon ecosystem. “The productive restoration of these areas promotes the involvement of the community, strengthens the local economy and helps to reduce the effects of deforestation,” explained Amaral.

Alok: recovery of the areas affected by combustion

In addition to Pará, the project will also operate in Acre, where an area of ​​70,000 square meters will be restored after undergoing criminal combustion in 2019. The initiative, called “Make Floresta”, will be developed in the territory of the center of Huwã Karu Yuxibu, idealized by the leader and artist Indigenous Mapu Huni Kuin.

For Mapu, the action represents the realization of a dream. “When this land was burned, I thought everything was missing. But now we have the opportunity to recover the forest and return to what has been destroyed,” he said.

With this project, Alok strengthens its commitment not only for music, but also for social and environmental causes. His investment in reforestation and recovery of degraded areas demonstrates the importance of private initiatives in preserving the Amazon and in the fight against climate change.

Source: Terra

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