Rodrigo Bocardi on SBT? The issuer pronounces for the first time

Rodrigo Bocardi on SBT? The issuer pronounces for the first time

After being shot by Globo, the name of Rodrigo Bocardi began to circulate as hired as possible in SBT

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After the president of SBT, Daniela BeyrutiFollow the journalist Rodrigo Bocardi On Instagram, social networks were taken by the items on a possible intake of the former TV presenter Globo. Bocardiwho was recently fired after 25 years of career at the Rio station, he attracted the attention of fans and media professionals, especially after the attitude of Beyrutiwhich has been seen as a sign of negotiations. This movement generated speculations on its future and a possible air on a new channel.

Rodrigo Bocardi, In response to his resignation, he published a video on his social networks in which he expressed surprise from Globo’s decision. Thanking the station for the opportunities during his trajectory, Bocardi He proved to be open to new professional challenges. “I am open to new possibilities, including appearances on other platforms”, He said, demonstrating flexibility and desire to continue his career in the television scenario. The journalist’s declaration has generated even more expectations on his future in the media.

While the items on a possible assumption of assumption, SBT’s advice has decided to officially manifest itself. In a note sent to the editorialist Lais seizand igThe station denied any concrete negotiation with the former presenter of Globo, Chiarindolo “So far there is no information on new negotiations at the station.” The statement, therefore, has put an end to speculation, although the fans continue to expect the next steps of Bocardi And what the future reserves in the television market.

Bocardi’s assumption of Bocardi’s hiring reflects a wider movement of movements and changes in the Brazilian television market, where well -known names seek new spaces after the releases from great broadcasters. The figure of Bocardiwho won the public for his performance for over two decades in Globo, remains one of the most commented names among the spectators.

Source: Terra

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