Music as long as they cost the tickets for the Foreigner show in Brazil

Music as long as they cost the tickets for the Foreigner show in Brazil

The band performs in São Paulo on May 10

THE Foreigner will perform at Espaço Unimed, in São Paulo, on May 10th. Ticket sales will start on February 10 (Monday), at 10am, at Eventim.

With production from Mercury Concerts, the public will have the opportunity to see gathered, in a unique show in Brazil, Bruce Watson, Damon Fox and Luis Maldonado on guitars, Jeff Pilson downstairs, Michael Bluestein on keyboards, Chris Franzier on battery and Lou Gramm In vocal, interpreting their greatest and hits.

The night will start with an exclusive presentation, bringing together two legendary vocalists: Jeff Scott Soto (JSS) (Yngwie J. Malmsteen, Journey) and Eric Martin (Mr.Big). This unpublished presentation, entitled Double Trouble Tourwill have as support band Spektra.

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A publication shared by Mercury Concerts (@mer cursconrts)


Check out the prices of tickets by sector:

PricesWhole Half

Premium track R $ 680.00 R $ 340.00

Tables A, B, C R $ 800,00 R $ 400,00

Tables D, E, F R $ 750,00 R $ 375,00

Tables g, h R $ 700,00 R $ 350,00

Mezzanine R $ 720,00 R $ 360,00

R $ 880.00 R $ 440.00

Cabin B R $ 830.00 R $ 415.00

Official box office (without service rate)

Unimed space
Address: Tagipuru Street, 795 – Barra Funda, São Paulo – SP, 01156-000
Operation: Tuesday to Saturday from 10am to 5pm | *There is no operation on holidays, holiday amendments.


Up to 3x without interest on online shopping and the box office.
Up to 10x with interest online only.


City: São Paulo
Date: May 10 (Saturday)
Location: Unimed Space – 795 Tagipuru Street
Doors: 18h30
Jeff Scott Soto & Eric Martin: 8:30 pm
Foreigner: 22h00

Age classification: 18 (eighteen) years unaccompanied. Children under 18 (eighteen) years may attend the event provided they are accompanied by parents and/or legal guardians. Information subject to amendment, according to the court decision.

Source: Rollingstone

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