MITA: Tickets become more expensive in just 1 hour of sales;  check new prices

MITA: Tickets become more expensive in just 1 hour of sales; check new prices

MITA Festival, with Lana Del Rey and Florence + The Machine, had two batch changes in one hour

sales for MITA started this Wednesday, 01, at 12h. The festival takes place in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo and has Florence + The Machine, Lana Del Rey, NX Zero, The Mars Volta and more in the line-up. Prices, however, became more expensive after an hour of opening sales.

With the announcement of the attractions on Monday, the 30th, the organization also confirmed that there would be at least two batches of tickets. Despite this, the public was surprised by the disclosure of a third batch, with previously undisclosed values, a few minutes after the first change in price.

Check new values:

Half Ticket – BRL 475.00
Social Ticket – BRL 522.50
Track – BRL 950.00

premium track:
Half Ticket – BRL 1,100.00
Social Ticket – BRL 1,210.00
Premium Track – BRL 2,200.00

Among other complaints from the public are the location chosen for the festival in São Paulo (Anhangabaú) and the existence of the Premium Track, which is uncommon in larger festivals such as Lollapalooza It is Rock in Rio. Check out:

Source: Rollingstone

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