This French cult comic will have its adaptation in the film

This French cult comic will have its adaptation in the film

The legendary will land on the big screen

Created by Patrick Sobral, the comic book series The legendary It was launched in 2004. Belonging to the kind of high imagination, its history takes place in The fantastic medieval world of Alfia. A group of heroes follows trying to repair the disaster caused by the black wizard Darkhell, who have transformed all the inhabitants of Alysia into children.

The series of comics The legendary It quickly became very popular between the public. So far 23 volumes have emerged. And they sold to Over 10 million copies! The story imagined by Patrick Sobral was also adapted to the manga, animated series and even in a role -playing game. AND Will be worn on the big screen.

First image of the animated film

The European Pan-European will offer us an adaptation of Patrick Sobal’s comic, in the form ofAn animated film. ON His Instagram accountThe study even shared A first image of this project. Show two hands holding the divine stone broken by Darkhell and having caused the return to childhood of the inhabitants of Alysia.

AND Guillaume Ivenel Who was responsible for making the film The legendary. Has already signed Dragons HuntersPublished in 2008, as well as Spysciesrevealed eleven years later. As for the screenplay of the film, his writing has been entrusted Antoine Schoumsky. Patrick Sobral is also involved in the development of the film.

A story based on the first two volumes

As reported France 3The animated film The legendary will be Based on the first two volumes of the series of comics. But Patrick Sobral ensures that this is stillA “Original work”. And the creator of the saga explains it The aesthetics of the film will not really try to copy that of the books :::

From a narrative point of view, the story remains. On the other hand, graphically, we will move away from the manga side to have something much more international, towards aesthetic models such as Dreamworks or Pixar. Visually, it will be more realistic and captivating.

This project is therefore particularly ambitious. Above all because the film benefits from a budget of 15 million euros. The film already has a release date. It will arrive in the French rooms January 28, 2026. Voices are already talkingA potential suite If the first film attracts a large number of spectators.

Source: Cine Serie

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