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7 signals from the body, after which you need to run to the endocrinologist

Dry skin and dull hair, constant fatigue and listlessness, trouble sleeping – we often blame all of this on stress, weather and lack of sunlight. But often these signs can signal problems with the thyroid gland.

Together with Elena Murakhovskaya, an endocrinologist at the European Clinic and candidate of medical sciences, we understood what changes in appearance and well-being can be signs of violations in the work of this important organ.

Do not take care! In our articles, we collect the latest scientific data and the opinions of authoritative health experts. But remember: only a doctor can diagnose and prescribe treatment.

The main function of the thyroid gland is the production of the hormones thyroxine, triiodothyronine and thyrocalcitonin. They affect all kinds of our metabolism. If the functioning of the thyroid gland is disturbed, all body systems suffer. This immediately affects well-being, appearance and emotional state, since the activity of the gland is closely related to the central nervous system.

Women are more likely to suffer from thyroid disorders due to an unstable hormonal background: menstrual cycle, pregnancy, lactation… It is important to check the level of hormones at least once a year. In addition to carrying out preventive examinations, you should consult a doctor if you have the following symptoms.

1. You gain or lose weight, suffer from edema

Diet and physical activity have not changed, and the weight is increasing or decreasing? Extra pounds, as well as their deficiency, significant swelling, can be signals of problems with the thyroid gland. Because of them, a person’s metabolism slows down or speeds up, and digestion may be disturbed.

2. Hair falls out or becomes brittle, skin is dry and pale, with a yellowish tint

The obvious outward signs of thyroid disease are skin and hair problems. Thus, with hypothyroidism, when there is a decrease in the production of thyroid hormones and a hormone deficiency occurs, the hair becomes dull, falls out and becomes brittle. The skin suffers from dryness and flaking, cracks may appear, especially in the heels and elbows. Before going to a beautician or trichologist, consult an endocrinologist.

3. Violation of the menstrual cycle

Hormonal failure can lead to disruption of the menstrual cycle and lead to infertility. For example, hypothyroidism can change the level of prolactin, which leads to impaired reproductive function. Before infertility treatment, the condition of the thyroid gland should be checked.

4. Muscle and joint pain

If you often experience muscle weakness, aches for no reason, especially in the muscles of the arms and legs, this is a reason to consult a doctor. Such discomfort throughout the body, as well as carpal tunnel syndrome, which can cause wrist discomfort, often accompany thyroid problems.

5. Intestinal Disorders

Stool problems, such as severe constipation or diarrhea, may be due to thyroid dysfunction. With such symptoms, a gastroenterologist may recommend consulting an endocrinologist.

6. Discomfort in the neck

Be sure to contact your doctor if you notice any of these symptoms:

  • lump in throat when swallowing;
  • choking sensation in the neck;
  • pain in the front of the neck, which may radiate to the jaw or ears;
  • hoarseness of voice, sweating and coughing;

These signs may indicate problems with the thyroid gland and even the presence of a volumetric formation in it. With prompt referral to a specialist, thyroid disease can be successfully treated or controlled.

7. Sudden mood swings, overwork, apathy or, conversely, nervousness and aggressiveness

With hypothyroidism, you may feel tired, lethargic, sleepy, unable to concentrate and work in the same mode for several days in a row. A state similar to depression can be a sign of thyroid disease.

If you experience anxiety, panic attacks, mood swings, irritability, your doctor may suspect that you have hyperthyroidism. With this disease, an increased amount of the hormones thyroxine, triiodothyronine is produced. Due to hyperthyroidism, the body works for wear and tear, as a result of which you feel that you are on the verge of a nervous breakdown. This is a very serious disease that requires urgent treatment!

How to keep your thyroid healthy

Of course, lead a healthy lifestyle: quality sleep, sport, smoking cessation and preventive examinations by specialists.

Eat foods rich in iodine – it is part of the thyroid hormones. To avoid iodine deficiency, include seafood, saltwater fish, seaweed, and eggs in your diet.

Check your thyroid hormone levels every year. Even small deviations can negatively affect the whole body.

Do not abuse sunburn. Excessive sunstroke can cause autoimmune diseases, in which cells begin to destroy their own body’s tissues.

Photo: Getty Images, Shutterstock

Source: The Voice Mag

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