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Fat for weight loss: the most useful fatty foods that help improve metabolism – add them to the menu

It is believed that fat in food is the main enemy. Apparently, it travels directly from the esophagus into the stomach and sides, simultaneously clogging the vessels with cholesterol, so you need to choose low-fat foods. However, this opinion is outdated: today, experts in healthy nutrition openly say that it is simply dangerous to remove fats from the daily menu, because a well-functioning metabolism is impossible without them (women’s health suffers particularly!). We list foods high in healthy natural fats.

Let’s dot the i’s: fat is one of the main macronutrients (food substances that cover the body’s basic needs). It is necessary for the nervous and cardiovascular systems, the brain (there is a lot of fat there!), the ovaries in the luteal phase of the cycle, the skin, the hair… With a lack of fat, the body suffers and pain compensates for the lack.

It is important to understand that the origin and composition of fats remain key factors. Industrial processing completely changes the structure of fat, saturating it with low-density lipoproteins, which simply causes the formation of the famous cholesterol plaques and other problems.

Types of fats

Fats are divided into several types: here’s how to understand them.

Saturated fat are called fats containing saturated fatty acids. They remain solid at room temperature. They serve as the basis for fat-soluble vitamins, but they should be consumed in small quantities – it is not easy for the body to absorb them.

unsaturated fats divided into fats with polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids. The latter thicken on cooling (like, for example, olive oil).


Monounsaturated fats – the most useful. Not only are they easy to digest, they literally “dissolve” old vegetable broths. Contains natural vegetable oil, seeds, nuts (including avocados). Polyunsaturated fatty acids are also necessary for a healthy and balanced diet. They are present in large quantities in fish and seafood.

North sea fish

It is the cold-water fatty fish that are most valuable for a healthy diet, and not just goldfish or expensive tuna, but also herring that matches this characteristic.


The main favorite of healthy people and just a very tasty guy, avocados saturate well due to the abundance of useful triglycerides in the composition. But do not try to heat-treat the “alligator pear” – this will destroy all the benefits.

Lamb and pork meat

It is suckling pig meat that is very valuable from the point of view of its nutritional qualities (unlike mature pork, the composition of the fats it contains is completely different). And lamb contains a unique ingredient, alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which enhances fat absorption and healthy muscle growth.

Bitter chocolate with nuts

Admit it, at this point you particularly liked our list! Natural chocolate contains valuable cocoa butter and active flavonoids that improve mood and stimulate metabolism. Hazelnuts, almonds, cedar, pistachios, walnuts – this is the nut chart for healthy fat content (in descending order).


Natural sweet butter for weight loss is not at all contraindicated, since it contains a complex of healthy fats and is very well absorbed. It also carries vital fat-soluble vitamins. But still, do not lean on butter – you will not eat much of it in its pure form, and on a fresh roll it does not become so sinless at all.

peanut paste

It is clear that the most useful – without adding sugar, salt, syrup! One teaspoon of peanut butter contains 3.5 grams of healthy fat. The only pity is that many are allergic to this useful product.

unrefined vegetable oil

Not just olive! Flaxseed, mustard, grapeseed oil – each of them has unique shades of taste and nutritional value due to the high content of unsaturated fatty acids. It is best to store unrefined natural oil in a cool place away from direct sunlight so that it does not change its quality.

Source: The Voice Mag

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