Former BBB Leidy Elin is outraged by attacks and outbursts: ‘Black people have no right to make mistakes’

Former BBB Leidy Elin is outraged by attacks and outbursts: ‘Black people have no right to make mistakes’

Former BBB Leidy Elin opens her heart and vents forcefully after attacks on social media

The former BBB Leidy Elin He opened his heart and vented on social media this Monday 5/20. The celebrity has complained about the attacks she has suffered since she left BBB 24.

“Black people don’t have the right to make mistakes,” the transist said. Then, a follower defended her ex-sister and criticized her David: “It depends on the black… after all one was BBB champion. Now the one who can do no wrong under any circumstances is a woman… if she is black, then the criticism is worse and she doesn’t even get a second chance.”

Leidy agreed: “Exactly, right? For black women, racism comes with machismo and, like you said, there are no second chances.”


Lucas Buda commented on the publication and showed support for his fellow prisoner BBB 24.”I’m sorry you feel that way, sister. It’s messed up, it’s cruel, it’s disgusting. I truly believe in your potential and the badass black woman that you are. Don’t be discouraged because you will change this game”, wrote the capoeirista. “I love you”Leidy declared.

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Source: Terra

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