Bruna Biancardi told the funny nickname that Carol Dantas’ son gave to Mavie

Bruna Biancardi told the funny nickname that Carol Dantas’ son gave to Mavie

Bruna Biancardi told the affectionate nickname that Carol Dantas’ son gave to Mavie

The influencer Brown Biancardi showed on his social media a very special moment between his heiress, Mavieand the son of Carol Dantas.

Node Stories from Instagram, Valentino4 years old, appears while breastfeeding the baby’s mouth. The affectionate nickname she gave to the little one is also revealed.

In the recording, Neymar’s girlfriend says: ”He is the one who gives the official food to Mavie, she eats everything with him”. In the caption of the publication, Bruna revealed the affectionate nickname that Valentin gave to the little girl: “My little flower.”

It is worth remembering that in addition to Mavie, the athlete is also the father David Luccathe result of his relationship with Carol, and of Elena1 month, with Amanda Kimberly. Valetin is the son of Dantas with Vinicius Martinez.

I wait:

Source: Terra

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