Marina Liberato, heir of Gugu Liberato, celebrates the purchase of a luxury car, worth R$500,000 and shares an emotional reflection on faith
The digital influencer Marina Liberatodaughter of the late presenter Gugu Freedused social media to celebrate an important milestone: the purchase of a new car. Marina purchased a Tesla Model
How did a compliment for Marina’s old car become a moment of reflection?
On her Instagram, the young woman opened her heart and shared an experience that shaped her journey to this new milestone. According to her, an incident involving her old car, a Tesla Model 3, taught her valuable lessons about the power of words and the importance of valuing what you have.
What did Marina learn by devaluing her old car?
Marina He recalled that once, while driving a friend home, he received a compliment on his car. However, her response was negative and, in her opinion, ended up devaluing the blessing she had received.
“One day, while I was driving a friend home, she complimented my car, saying, “Wow, you have a Tesla!” How beautiful!’. But instead of accepting the compliment gratefully, I replied something like, “Yes, but it’s already falling apart.” At that moment I felt the need to belittle myself, perhaps for fear of appearing arrogant or snobbish.“, he said Marina.
What happened to the car after Marina’s negative response?
The next day a curious thing happened: the car started having problems, as if they really were.”falling apart“, Like this Marina he had said. “My car started making a strange noise every time I turned the steering wheel. It looked like it was really “falling apart”, as I said. I was shocked and realized that my words had weight.”
How did Marina use her faith to transform this situation?
After the accident, Marina He said he reflected on his actions and decided to act with more gratitude. He said he began to pray and ask for forgiveness for his ingratitude and began to take care of the car more carefully.
“I immediately began to pray and ask God for forgiveness, acknowledging my ingratitude. I started to be grateful for the car I had and take care of it with more love and attention. Shortly after, the noise simply stopped..”
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Source: Terra

Ashley Fitzgerald is a journalist and author at Gossipify, known for her coverage of famous people and their lives. She writes about a wide range of topics, including celebrities, influencers, social media stars, and public figures. Her articles are known for their in-depth analysis and unique perspective. She is respected for her ability to keep readers up to date with the latest news and trends of the famous people.