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How to wear a summer dress in winter and not freeze

photo: pexels

By layering you will achieve a feeling of warmth

Thanks to this simple technique, you can wear a summer dress even in winter. Just layer it right. Long cardigans, blazers, sweaters and coats are a safe bet, plus a long scarf, which will perfectly contribute to the feeling of warmth, and if you also choose high boots above the knees, you will definitely not be cold, and you will also achieve maximum elegance.

A shirt under the dress? Why not

Do you have a sleeveless dress that you would like to wear during the winter, but you are afraid that you will be cold in it? Try wearing a shirt in a similar tone or a long-sleeved cotton t-shirt under them. You will thus turn your summer piece into a completely new style ready for winter. Then just add a sweater to the dress and you are guaranteed warmth. And if you would rather cover up the different sleeves, reach for a nice bag. No one will see that you have an extra T-shirt under your dress, but you will feel comfortable and not be cold.

Don’t forget the vest

Winter is the perfect time to bring out all the outerwear in your wardrobe. Vests, especially long ones, fit perfectly for these purposes. However, it must be a situation where you spend a minimum of time outside and it is only a matter of running from the car inside and back. A less bulky piece than an insulated coat, it will keep you warm for a limited time, and what’s more, it goes with practically everything.

Replace the nylons with a warmer piece

Although more elegant, definitely not as warm a piece are nylons, which you can exchange for insulated leggings during the winter. The fleece lining will keep you warm and classic plain leggings look very good under dresses in winter. In addition, they are more practical for higher shoes, because they do not wrinkle like, for example, jeans. Leggings lovers should definitely try this option. And if you still need to reach for nylons, try insulated women’s stockings.

photo: Pexels

Reach for the undershirt

Even if you’ve never thought about it, now is the time to start. An undershirt will add an extra layer to your body, i.e. more warmth, but it can also serve other purposes. If you buy an undershirt that is a bit longer than your dress and has an interesting lace trim, it will add a little spice to the whole outfit.

Shawls, pashminas and shawls

Who wouldn’t love them? You can wear them in so many ways, from classic styles around the neck to a shawl ala poncho thrown over the shoulders. This piece belongs in the winter wardrobe, ideally in several different color combinations with which you will win. And it will be the perfect extra layer for summer dresses.

Dress ala tunic

Skinny jeans or leather leggings also look great under a summer dress, which conjure up an elegant look from the whole outfit. This will ensure you have enough warmth and bet on safety.

Sweaters and sweatshirts

The last tip on how to use a summer dress in your winter wardrobe is to choose a cute sweater or sweatshirt, which will optically turn the dress into a skirt and give you a new playful outfit. You will immediately feel like you have more pieces in your wardrobe than you actually do. This will support sustainability and timelessness at the same time.

Source: Moda

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