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Lyubov Aksenova starred in a new ZARINA advertising campaign


Judging by the concept of the fresh ZARINA capsule, actress Lyubov Aksenova was chosen as her ambassador for a reason. In the new collection, the brand reveals the theme of the most important feeling and calls to love yourself, and its main character also participates only in those projects that sink into her heart be it cinema or fashion.

The new capsule features various shades of red, as well as romantic kiss prints and heart-shaped cutouts. Among our favorites velor-lined skirt, pied-de-poule tweed suit, patchwork jeans and a black mini dress with a scalloped neckline. Limited collection available on the official website of the brand.

In addition to the model, Aksenova also tried herself as a designer. a new limited collection of jewelry ZARINA x Lyubov Aksenova will go on sale in April.

Source: Hellomagazine

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