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What will the sky be like in July? Check out the monthly review

The month begins under the energies of the New Moon in Cancer, marking a time when we will all be more sensitive and involved with those we love.

The month of July begins under the energies of the New Moon in Cancer, marking a time when we will all be more sensitive and involved with those we love.

The month begins under the energies of the New Moon in Cancer, which occurred in the last week of June and arrived in tense aspect with Jupiter in Aries, marking a a time when we will all be more sensitive and involved with the people we love. We shouldn’t worry about the tension this lunation puts on Jupiter, we just should be aware of excesses. We can be more optimistic and lose some contact with reality due to a certain euphoria. We don’t have to rely on anything until we are absolutely sure of the results.

In the first few minutes of 5, Mars leaves Aries and begins its journey through Taurus, marking a period in which the actions and reactions will be more intense, but more thought, it reflected, for the slowness, a strong characteristic of this sign. In Taurus, Mars makes us more focused and focused, less anxious and impulsive. Our attitudes can bring a hint of aggression, however, in this sign, Mars loses some of the power of him.

On the same day 05, Mercury leaves Gemini and begins walking through Cancer, marking a period of heightened sensitivity and greater connection between reason and emotion. Great time to write, for more serious conversations, to discuss relationship issues. It is a time when the family comes together more and we are more open and focused on the people we love. Words come out of us with an extra charge of emotion.

On the 13th the Moon continues its cycle and enters the Full phase in Capricorn, arrives united with Pluto, in tense aspect with Mercury in Cancer and in large aspect with Uranus in Taurus indicating a time in which we will all be more intense and focused on solutions that involve communication. We have to be careful with words, with quarrels and discussions involving dissatisfaction and anger that foment inexpressive people. There can be a tsunami of emotions that come out of us through words.

On the 17th Venus enters Cancer and receives a tense aspect of Jupiter in Aries, marking a period of exaggerated and dramatic emotional expressions. This is a month that will mobilize the Cancer / Capricorn axes, followed by Aries / Libra. Therefore, it is a moment of mobilization of emotions and relationships; a moment of greater sensitivity and emotionality, including a hint of drama.

On the 19th, Mercury leaves Cancer and begins its journey through Leo and we will clearly feel the change in the way we communicate, express our ideas and deal with our mental and intellectual processes. We leave an aquatic and emotional vibration and enter the fiery vibration; fire dominates our thoughts, which become more dynamic and assertive. Studies, agreements and negotiations are greatly benefited during this period.

On the 22nd, the Sun leaves Cancer and begins its annual walk through Leo and the energy of fire begins to gain more space in us. In the early days, in Pluto’s tense aspect, we remained intense and determined to stay focused on our desires and passions. This can be a successful period, however, we must be careful with the intensity of our actions and reactions.

On the 28th, we ended the month with a beautiful New Moon in Leo, which comes in great aspect to Jupiter and promises to make some of our dreams come true, both in personal life and at work. Passions have blossomed more and love stories acquire strength and importance. The determination increases even more and, in this phase, we can count on our strength and ability to conquer, whatever it is. We will be more optimistic and full of faith and joy.

Source: Terra

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