There are a number of factors that help achieve this.
Direct the increase muscle mass in the legs and buttocks It’s a very common goal, especially among women. After all, these regions, if well worked, tend to make the body more aesthetic. In this way, with the help of the Bruno Freitas Athletic Company We have put together some tips that will help you in this search.
Rapid muscle mass gain for legs and buttocks
“Eat better. Do cardio, but at a lower volume. Preferably at different times than bodybuilding workouts. Train with a good volume two or three times a week. For a well-done leg workout, this is very good,” explains Bruno . Furthermore, he also emphasized that cardiorespiratory training provides a positive framework for increasing muscle mass, but it should not be a priority.
“It helps to do it in less time. This way you will save more energy for bodybuilding workouts which are best for gaining muscle mass,” adds the physical educator.
The results are unpredictable, that is, everything depends on the subject’s experience and how prepared the body is for stronger and more intense stimuli. In fact, it is necessary to evaluate whether a person is in suitable conditions for mass increase.
“People with certain medical conditions or deficiencies in certain hormones may have difficulty gaining muscle mass. For this reason, if you are new to the practice, it is very important to have a good conversation with your doctor,” he advises.
The best exercises
“To avoid making mistakes, the key is to choose exercises that work large or multiple muscle groups. In addition to working more broadly, they also distribute the impact across more joints, which makes them safer,” the staff emphasizes.
Exercises like squats, deadlifts, lunges and leg presses They work both the thighs and buttocks. Soon after, the educator stated that when it comes to the buttocks and legs, most of these lower extremity exercises share the action. “The choice of these exercises also depends on each individual, his limitations, possibilities, weekly frequency and routine also influence the choice of the professional”, she emphasizes.
The secret to accelerating results
“Pay attention to how you perform the exercise, correctly, aligned! However, do not forget to do it with a good load, slowly, concentrated, respecting the rest time very well. This way you will have enough strength for the next set! Consult a professional to get away from what is commonly used. After all, 3×12 is fine, but for those who already train, there are countless other methods to get results faster”, concludes Bruno Freitas.
Source: Terra

Ben Stock is a lifestyle journalist and author at Gossipify. He writes about topics such as health, wellness, travel, food and home decor. He provides practical advice and inspiration to improve well-being, keeps readers up to date with latest lifestyle news and trends, known for his engaging writing style, in-depth analysis and unique perspectives.