The influence of alcohol on sleep depends in part on how much you drink before going to sleep
New research suggests that even moderate doses of alcohol can reduce sleep quality and REM sleep duration. The timing of consumption also influences how disruptive it will be.
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If you’re planning on having a few drinks over the weekend, here’s a tip: new research suggests that just a few doses can harm your sleep – but the timing of consumption can determine how much this will bother you.
The scientists looked at social drinkers who consumed 9 to 12 drinks a week and then placed them in a 2-week experiment. For three nights, participants drank three drinks about an hour before bed or were given a placebo (a soft drink).
Those who drank alcohol spent less time in REM sleep, had lower sleep quality, and had less deep sleep than those who took the placebo. Interestingly, the impact of alcohol on the body had different effects over the three nights.
The first night spent drinking was the one that most influenced the quality of sleep. At the same time, repeated nights of alcohol consumption led to worsening REM sleep. In other words, drinking consistently wears on your body over time, but even just one night can compromise the quality of your sleep.
The influence of alcohol on sleep depends in part on how much you drink before going to sleep. Previous research suggests that it takes the body about 1 hour to metabolize a dose. And for each additional dose you will need another hour. So if you’re going to have a few drinks, the earlier you take them in the evening, the less chance they have of disturbing your sleep.
Watch the video with commentary by André Forastieri.
André Forastieri is a journalist and entrepreneur, founder of Homework and the content and connections agency Compasso, as well as a mentor to professionals and executives. Find out more
Source: Terra

Ben Stock is a lifestyle journalist and author at Gossipify. He writes about topics such as health, wellness, travel, food and home decor. He provides practical advice and inspiration to improve well-being, keeps readers up to date with latest lifestyle news and trends, known for his engaging writing style, in-depth analysis and unique perspectives.