Feast of Our Lady of Fatima: powerful prayer to obtain blessings

Feast of Our Lady of Fatima: powerful prayer to obtain blessings

This very holy figure is one of the apparitions attributed to the Virgin Mary. Discover the prayers for the Day of Our Lady of Fatima

Today, May 13, a very special date is celebrated for Catholics all over the world: the Feast of Our Lady of Fatima. Religious devotion believes that in 1917 the Blessed Virgin appeared to three shepherd children in Portugal. Among the revelations, the most important is linked to the daily prayer of the rosary. Therefore, today we celebrate a powerful prayer for blessings.

Prayer for the Day of Our Lady of Fatima

“Holy Virgin,

the one in the mountains of Fatima

you deigned to reveal it to the three shepherd children

the treasures of graces that we can obtain,

praying the Holy Rosary,

help us appreciate more

this holy prayer, so that,

meditating on the mysteries of our redemption,

we reach out to the graces that insistently

we ask you.

(ask for grace)

O my good Jesus, forgive us,

deliver us from the flames of hell,

bring all souls to heaven

and it mostly helped

those who need it most.

Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima,

pray for us.”

Bonus: Consecration to the Madonna

“O my Lady, O my Mother, I offer myself entirely to you, and in proof of my devotion to you, I consecrate to you, today and forever, my eyes, my ears, my mouth, my heart and everything my being. And since I am yours, O incomparable Mother, guard me and defend me as your property. Remember that I am yours, tender Mother.

Source: Terra

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