Bad Breath During PMS: Here’s How to Fix It

Bad Breath During PMS: Here’s How to Fix It

Having bad breath during premenstrual tension is not something out of this world and a solution exists

Bad Breath During PMS: Here’s How to Fix It:

    Bad Breath During PMS: Here's How to Fix It

    Bad Breath During PMS: Here’s How to Fix It


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During PMS, many hormonal changes occur that cause changes and water imbalance in the body – the amount of water in each cell. With the decrease in the amount of water, there is a decrease in the production of saliva, responsible for pre-cleaning the mouth.

This imbalance leads to the accumulation of bacteria in the mouth and a whitish layer on the back of the tongue, which is the part called the tongue coating, and both cause this temporary bad breath. But PMS bad breath has a solution.

It is necessary to increase water consumption during this period of premenstrual and menstrual tension. Eating more fibrous foods helps reduce the production of bacterial plaque, which is the accumulation of food that remains in the mouth.

You should also brush your teeth more frequently and floss. This will help minimize bad breath.

Bad breath is usually caused by problems in the oral cavity, such as gum disease (gingivitis or periodontitis) and tongue coating (white tongue); it can be of ENT and respiratory origin, such as tonsillitis, sinusitis, bronchitis; or digestive.

Acetone breath is also caused by long periods of fasting, when a person is on a diet. And in the female department there are two aggravating factors: menstruation (hormonal imbalance can change the smell and make the breath different) and the use of contraceptives (which can also change the smell).

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 40% of the world’s population suffers from bad breath.

Watch the video with tips Patricia Almeidadental surgeon specialized in oral and aesthetic rehabilitation, creator of Odontologia Almeida and member of the Association of Dental Surgeons of São Paulo (APCD).


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Source: Terra

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