How to overcome the lack of motivation to exercise?

How to overcome the lack of motivation to exercise?

A sedentary lifestyle is a risk factor for diseases and affects our well-being

Doctor, I don’t feel like doing physical activity, what should I do?

Physical activity is a very important thing in people’s lives. Today more and more people are sedentary and we know that a sedentary lifestyle is a very complicated risk factor for our well-being and quality of life.

It is important that you choose a form of physical activity that you enjoy. Some people say “oh, I don’t like anything”. We can always like one thing or another more, but it is impossible not to like anything.

Walk, swim, cycle, go to the gym, do Pilates, in short, some kind of physical activity suited to what you like. It is important to choose the type of physical activity that is right for you.

Doing physical activity with other people, with friends, can be an interesting strategy. And remember that enthusiasm doesn’t appear overnight. But when you start a routine of physical activity, it tends to get easier. When in doubt, look for a teacher who encourages you.

Source: Terra

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