From the DNA test it appears that the trader is not the son of Gugu Liberato; understand

From the DNA test it appears that the trader is not the son of Gugu Liberato; understand

The defense of the presenter’s daughters, Marina and Sofia Liberato, confirmed the test results to Terra

Paternity test results show that Ricardo Rocha, 50, is not the son of host Gugu Liberato (1959-2019). The news was broken by the columnist Mônica Bergamo, from Folha de S.Pauloand confirmed at Earth by attorney Nelson Willians, who represents Gugu’s twin daughters, Marina and Sofia Liberato, 20.

Merchant Ricardo Rocha filed a lawsuit in 2023, claiming to be the presenter’s heir. However, DNA tests proved otherwise.

“From the tests carried out in two different laboratories it emerged that Ricardo Rocha, 50 years old, is not the son of the host Gugu Liberato, who died in 2019”, reads the note sent by the defense of Sofia and Marina. Attorney Nelson Wilians “gave a score of 10 for the exam and said he passed with flying colors.”

The tests analyzed genetic samples from Gugu’s mother, Maria do Céu, and the presenter’s brothers, Amandio and Aparecida Liberato, and from Ricardo and his mother, Otacília Gomes da Silva.

“The samples were analyzed by two different groups in test and counter test and confirmed the results obtained. It was concluded that Antonio Augusto Moraes Liberato is not the biological father of Ricardo Rocha”, we read in the report published by the newspaper.

Ricardo Rocha told the columnist he was unaware of the result. “I don’t have that information. The judge had no comment,” he said.

The car dealer was born in October 1974. He claims that his mother met Gugu in a bakery, when he was not yet a TV presenter.

Gugu Liberato died in November 2019 after falling from the ceiling of his residence in Orlando, United States, suffering multiple fractures to his head, neck, torso and a brain hemorrhage. He left behind three children: João Augusto, 23 years old, and twins Sofia and Marina, 20 years old. They are all the result of his relationship with Rose Miriam di Matteo. The dispute over the division of his billion-dollar fortune remains active and is being fought over by legal disputes.

Businessman Ricardo Rocha claims to be the son of presenter Gugu Liberato.

Source: Terra

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