Tangerine season is already in full swing! Having eaten slices of mouth-watering, do not rush to throw the skin – it will still come in handy!
We’ll tell you three good reasons not to throw away the skin of this popular winter fruit.
1. Use cooking
The fragrant peel of citrus fruits can be used in cooking. Mandarin zest gives a special taste with liver, cakes, desserts, sauces and warming drinks. To make spices for a season, grate the peel (or finely chop with a knife), let it sit at room temperature for several days, then keep a tightly closed container. To determine that the zest has dried sufficiently – it becomes very fragile and brittle.
IMPORTANT: Wash the tangerine thoroughly before harvesting from the zest and dirt with a towel.
2. Refresh the apartment
It is enough to start cleaning the tangerine, as a unique aroma is immediately poured around the apartment. Many even think it’s tastier than the fruits themselves! It is easy to extend this “aromatherapy”. Fruit skin can easily replace your chemical air flavors. Just put it on a hot battery – and in a few seconds you will get rid of unpleasant odors.
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3. Breind Beauty
Mandarin Peel is a fresh ingredient for home beauty products. To remove redness or pimples on the skin, rub the problem areas with the inner white side of the skin.
Using the zest you can also prepare a conditioner for dry hair. Pour mandarin peels with apple cider vinegar and insist for two days. After that, filter the infusion to remove the zest and dilute it with water (it should have been about three times more than vinegar). After washing the head, wash the hair with this solution – it will give it shine.
Also read: What is useful and harmful cinnamon: the whole truth about the main Christmas spice
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Source: The Voice Mag

Ben Stock is a lifestyle journalist and author at Gossipify. He writes about topics such as health, wellness, travel, food and home decor. He provides practical advice and inspiration to improve well-being, keeps readers up to date with latest lifestyle news and trends, known for his engaging writing style, in-depth analysis and unique perspectives.