Pregnant woman brain dies after aneurysm and is kept alive by life-saving devices

Pregnant woman brain dies after aneurysm and is kept alive by life-saving devices

Doctors are waiting for Joyce Souza Araújo to reach 28 weeks to give birth

Joyce Souza Araújo, 21, was kept alive on life support for about 20 days after being declared brain dead due to an aneurysm. Hospitalized in Santa Casa de Rondonópolis (MT), 200 km from Cuiabá, the young woman is six months pregnant, and the doctors are waiting for her to reach the 28th week of pregnancy before giving birth.

She was admitted to the ward after having a severe headache on December 20. At the scene, according to Santa Casa, she was diagnosed with a ruptured brain aneurysm. He underwent surgery, but his condition progressed to brain death.

“Since her admission, all necessary medical procedures have been performed to manage her condition, however, the patient has progressed to brain death, confirmed by specific tests and medical protocol,” the hospital said in an emailed statement to Earth.

Now Joyce is under close monitoring. The pregnant woman, who has two other daughters, aged 7 and 3, is under the care of the multidisciplinary team, made up of intensive care doctors and midwives, to guarantee the conditions necessary for the child’s development, until the moment of birth.

Joyce is brain dead and is being kept alive on life support

On social media, her husband, Matheus Borges, informed that they moved in 2023 from Tocantins to Mato Grosso in search of better life opportunities. But they were surprised by his wife’s condition.

“A 21-year-old girl, happy, and no one knew it. A girl who has a 7 year old daughter and a 3 year old daughter and is six months pregnant. Unfortunately, he was brain dead. AFTER they turn off the devices, she will die because her brain is dead,” he said. He leads a campaign to bring her back to Araguaína, where Joyce’s family lives.

A cerebral aneurysm is nothing more than the dilation of blood vessels, caused by a weakening of the vascular wall. This is a condition considered common, however rupture can lead to complications, causing sequelae and even death.

Source: Terra

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