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Wisdom: 10 daily habits to become smarter

You can exercise your brain and get smarter! The neuroscientist points out simple ways to increase your wisdom

Intelligence is a broad concept and still generates discussions within the scientific community. However, in general, it is the ability to acquire new knowledge and use it to adapt to new experiences and solve problems.

In this sense, to become a smarter person, you have to put your brain to work! And there are different ways to do that, see? Below, you can take a look at some habits that help exercise intelligence, according to neuroscientist Dr. Fabiano de Abreu Agrela. Watch:

1. Read

According to Fabiano, reading takes first place in exercising brain plasticity. “Imagination, the fictitious, the abstract, works in more than one region of the brain and strengthens the engram cells of the movie you imagined,” he says.

2. Leave social networks a little

To get smarter, you need to put social media aside. However, experts say there is no need to abandon them permanently so as not to lose interaction and connections. “But we know that social networking demonstrably makes a person dumber,” says the pro.

3. Write

“When you write you have to think, and reinforce what you thought by writing, involving the temporal, central, parietal and occipital regions of the brain,” he reveals.

4. Change your routine

According to the neuroscientist, It’s important not to live on autopilot or the neurons will not feel the need for reinforcement, become automatic and, therefore, stop growing.

Reading is an essential habit for developing intelligence -

5. Goals are reasons for life

“Follow this sequence: internalize a habit > learn a new skill > create a prototype > self-reflection > experiment > learn another skill,” he reflects.

6. Tell me who you’re dating…

To become smarter, it is important to interact with knowledgeable people, i.e. intelligent people. “Thus, it will feed your brain with more knowledge, encouragement, and motivation,” she says.

7. Optimize your time

“Try in your spare time to be distracted by something that brings deep knowledge and not superficial. Don’t just read the title of the article, read the entire content and do some research on it too. forage to see what gets you nowhere,” she comments.

8. Avoid addictions

According to Fabiano, anything addictive is harmful, as it alters the anatomy of the brain, damaging the region linked to intelligence. “Excessive alcohol use impairs intelligence, just like other drugs can be even worse. Marijuana use is proven to make you less intelligent.”

9. Be positive and hang out with positive people

“Usually pessimistic and negative people cannot see satisfaction and positive outcomes so easily. This can slow down the decision-making process. Mental disorders that affect negative people are related to the frontal region of the brain and lower gray matter volume. Be positive and look for positive people, but beware of toxic positivity, you have to know how to differentiate what it means to be positive,” he says.

10. Chart your path

Finally, it is important to analyze the experiences of others only to understand right and wrong, as an experience, but to follow your goals and give your best without looking aside.

“Create your independence and be your idol without self-centeredness and with humility. Know yourself, the limits, to always evolve and develop. We are growing in every way and we adapt. This reveals to us that we have no limits to always be better” , he concludes.

So, did you like the tips? See this and more information in the video below:

Source: doctor Fabiano de Abreu Agrela, postdoctoral in neuroscience, master’s degree in psychology, director of the Heráclito Research and Analysis Center (CPAH), scientist at the Martin Dockweiler University Hospital and head of the science and technology department at Logos University International.

Source: Terra

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