There are habits that should be avoided at all costs when undergoing orthodontic treatment.
Avoid these 4 habits that hinder orthodontic treatment
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Orthodontic treatment represents a significant investment in oral health and its effectiveness can be compromised by some daily habits. Becoming aware of these practices is critical to ensuring treatment success.
Here are some habits to avoid:
Biting your nails
The habit of biting your nails not only damages the appearance of your hands, but can also cause problems with the positioning of your teeth. Constant pressure can shift newly straightened teeth, slowing the progress of orthodontic treatment.
Biting hard objects
Biting on hard objects, such as pens or pencils, may be tempting, but it is harmful to those undergoing orthodontic treatment. This practice places excessive pressure on the attachments and wires, which can lead to unwanted movement.
Not using the devices correctly
Following the orthodontist’s instructions is essential. Ignoring recommendations, such as not using rubber bands correctly or failing to attend regular appointments, can prolong the duration of treatment and compromise results.
Unhealthy eating habits
Sticky and hard foods should be avoided during orthodontic treatment. Chewing gum, candy, and foods that require a strong bite can damage your braces, causing delays in the process.
Mouth breathing
Breathing through your mouth instead of your nose can negatively affect the alignment of your teeth. This occurs because the tongue is not positioned correctly, affecting the pressure placed on the teeth.
Lack of adequate oral hygiene
Maintaining strict oral hygiene is essential during orthodontic treatment. Lack of treatment can lead to problems such as tooth decay and gum inflammation, compromising the success of treatment.
People who suffer from bruxism, the habit of teeth grinding, may face additional challenges during orthodontic treatment. The use of night bite plates may be recommended to prevent damage to teeth and orthodontic appliances.
By avoiding these harmful habits, patients can significantly contribute to the success of orthodontic treatment, ensuring long-lasting results and improved oral health.
Watch the video with Caio Leão Genovese, dental surgeon and OrthoDontic franchisee.
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Source: Terra
Rose James is a Gossipify movie and series reviewer known for her in-depth analysis and unique perspective on the latest releases. With a background in film studies, she provides engaging and informative reviews, and keeps readers up to date with industry trends and emerging talents.