The President complained that the mayor of Teixeira de Freitas, Marcelo Belitardo, did not go to the inauguration of the Costa das Baleias State Hospital; Contacted by ‘Estadão’, the mayor did not respond
BRASÍLIA – President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) complained about the absence of the mayor of the Bahian municipality of Teixeira de Freitas, Marcelo Belitardo (União), at the inauguration of a state hospital this Friday 10th. Lula specified that the head of the municipal executive should be “ashamed” and sit on stage to thank him and the governor of Bahia, Jerônimo Rodrigues (PT).
“I don’t know him. I don’t know if he’s short, if he’s tall, if he’s black, if he’s white, if he’s fat or thin. I don’t know him. I just want to tell you that he’s a It’s disrespectful to the mayor not to be present at the inauguration. Thank governor Jerônimo for building a hospital here. Thank Lula for the hospital here, for the technical schools,” he said.
President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) complained about the absence of the mayor of the Bahian municipality of Teixeira de Freitas, Marcelo Belitardo (União), at the inauguration ceremony of a hospital in the city this Friday 10th.
— Politics Estadão (@EstadaoPolitica) May 10, 2024
Lula also said that it is a “pride” to open the hospital in the city of the mayor who, according to the president, is his opponent and that of the governor of Bahia. “That’s why, Jerônimo, I’m proud to see a black caboclo (in reference to the head of the state executive) inaugurate a 200 million reais hospital in a city where the mayor is against us,” he said.
“I would never ask him what party he belongs to, I would never ask him if he is a Bahia or Vitória fan, I would never ask him if he is Catholic or evangelical. He should be ashamed and sit here thanking us for what we do.” what we are doing here, which is to take care of you,” the president added.
OR Estadao He looked for Marcelo Belitardo, but received no response.
This Friday the 10th, Lula inaugurated the Costa das Baleias State Hospital, which will serve the extreme south of Bahia. The building has 216 beds, 30 of which are in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). According to the state government, the unit will operate the entire offering of the Unified Health System (SUS), with patients admitted through the State Regulatory Center.
This Friday morning Lula delivered, together with the President of the Chamber, Arthur Lira (PP-AL), 914 houses of the Minha Casa Minha Vida program in Maceió, capital of Alagoas. During the ceremony, the president asked a woman, who has five children and is a beneficiary of the program, “when will you close the gate?”, asking if she intends to become a mother again.
“When I give the key to someone, that girl who has so many children, she has five. I said: man, when do you close the gate, man? She can’t have any more children, she’s 27 years old.” years,” the president said.
Source: Terra

Rose James is a Gossipify movie and series reviewer known for her in-depth analysis and unique perspective on the latest releases. With a background in film studies, she provides engaging and informative reviews, and keeps readers up to date with industry trends and emerging talents.