The most read news of the week concerned the Bank of Brazil (BBAS3), which announced a new payment of R$2.6 billion in dividends and JCP. Who will receive it?
Another highlight was the Petrobras (PETR4)with Citi Bank projecting a 24% earnings decline in the first quarter of 2024 (1Q24).
The news on Luiza magazine (MGLU3)whose shareholders have called a meeting in relation to the CEO of the company.
The actions of Safe deposit box (CXSE3), in turn, will become part of IBrX-100. Finally, Copom reduced the pace of cuts, but lowered the Selic at 10.50% per annum.
View a summary of the week’s top news. To access the full articles, simply access the links. Good weekend!
Banco do Brasil (BBAS3) announces payment of R$2.6 billion in dividends and JCP; see who gets it
Banco do Brasil (BBAS3) will pay R$2.614 billion in interest on equity (JCP) and dividends, equivalent to R$0.4579 per share. Dividends will amount to R$940.587 million and interest on capital will amount to R$1.673 billion.
Both proceeds of the Banco do Brasil They refer to the first half of 2024. In the bank’s JCP, the value per share is R $ 0.29316146583 and in dividends, R $ 0.16478568141 per share. Payment will take place on June 21, 2024.
Petrobras (PETR4): Citi expects 24% decline in 1Q24 profit; see dividend projection
Citi bank has released a new earnings preview report Petrobras results for the first quarter of 2024 (1Q24). The expectation is that the state-owned company will post net profit of $5.5 billion in the period, about 24% less than a year earlier.
Additionally, Citi expects Petrobras to post approximately $3 billion in regular dividends. Projected net revenues are $24.4 billion, down 9% from 1Q23.
Magazine Luiza (MGLU3): the shareholders call the CEO meeting, at the request of the founders of Kabum; shares fall on Ibovespa
The magazine Luiza (MGLU3) has announced the convening of a new meeting for May 29, with the aim of “discussing” a request made by the founding brothers of Kabum, aimed at opening a liability action against the CEO of the company, Frederico Trajan.
In light of this announcement, l The actions of Luiza magazine had a big drop last Monday (6) on the Ibovespa. Kabum’s founders allege that Trajano committed accounting fraud that generated an accumulated net worth adjustment of R$829.5 million.
Caixa Seguridade (CXSE3) shares will be included in the IBrX-100
Caixa Seguridade (CXSE3) will join the Brasil 100 index portfolio, also known as IBrX-100. The index measures the performance of a theoretical portfolio made up of the 100 assets with the greatest tradability and representativeness of the Brazilian stock market.
“In addition to IBrX-100, the Shares of Caixa Seguridade they are part of the portfolios of the following B3 indices: GPTW B3 (IGPTW), Brasil Amplo (IBrA), Dividends (IDIV), Diversity (IDVR), Financial (IFNC), Corporate Governance Trade (IGCT), Differentiated Corporate Governance (IGCX), Corporate Governance – Novo Mercado (IGNM), Equities with Differentiated Tag Along (ITAG) and MidLarge Cap (MLCX)”, underlines the company statement.
Copom reduces the pace of cuts and lowers the Selic to 10.50% per year; The decision divides the BC committee
The Central Bank Copom announced last Wednesday (8) the seventh consecutive reduction of the Selic. This time the cut was 0.25 percentage points (pp), to 10.50% per annum. This was the third meeting of 2024 held so far by Copom.
Copom’s decision regarding the fall of the Selic today it was divided among the council members, with 5 votes in favor of the 0.25 pp cut and another 4 in favor of the 0.50 pp cut.
Like this, Bank of Brazil to the Selic cut, these were the most read news of the week on Suno Notícias.
Source: Terra

Rose James is a Gossipify movie and series reviewer known for her in-depth analysis and unique perspective on the latest releases. With a background in film studies, she provides engaging and informative reviews, and keeps readers up to date with industry trends and emerging talents.