Genial/Quaest research published on Sunday 12 shows that, despite a lack of evidence, more than a third of the population aged 16 and over believe that electronic voting machines were rigged in the last presidential election, in 2022, to favor Luiz Inácio. Lula da Silva (PT), who beat Jair Bolsonaro (PL) and assumed the presidency of the Republic for the third time, after having held the position between 2003 and 2010.
The survey reveals that 56% of those interviewed do not believe that there was fraud at the polls in 2022 in favor of Lula, while 35% believe that the elections were rigged in favor of the PT member. 8% preferred not to take a position on the issue.
2,045 Brazilians, aged 16 and older, were interviewed in 120 cities between May 2 and 6.
The margin of error is plus or minus 2.2 percentage points.
Increased mistrust among those with complete or incomplete secondary education
The research also shows that the level of distrust towards surveys is higher among those who have completed or incomplete secondary education. Of this group, 39% believe that fraud has occurred, while 53% do not share this belief.
On the other hand, among those with incomplete or complete high school education, 34% recognize the possibility of fraud, while 59% disagree.
Among the Catholics interviewed, 30% agree that there was electoral fraud to Lula’s advantage, while 62% disagree.
Among evangelicals, 46% agree and 45% disagree, which is a tie within the margin of error.
Several institutions have already proven that there was no fraud
Although a part of the population believes that the 2022 elections were rigged, several institutions have already proven the opposite.
Last December, the Federal Court of Auditors (TCU) concluded its audit of the latest elections, reaffirming the security of the electoral system and confirming that the Higher Electoral Court (TSE) follows “international best practices”, with a close probability of fraud at 0%.
Before that, in November 2022, the Armed Forces presented an inspection report on the voting process that indicated no electoral fraud and also recognized the results released by the TSE.
The mistrust of electronic voting machines can be explained, in part, by a series of attacks on the electoral system during the administration of former President Jair Bolsonaro. Investigations by the Federal Police (PF) highlight the existence of a criminal organization involved in the “production, dissemination and amplification of fake news and ‘studies’ on the lack of fairness of the 2022 presidential elections”.
According to the PF, the aim of the group would be to encourage Bolsonaro supporters to remain in front of the barracks and “create an environment conducive to carrying out a coup”.
The attack on the headquarters of the Three Powers, on January 8, 2023, is reported by the police as a consequence of the actions of this criminal organization.
Source: Terra

Rose James is a Gossipify movie and series reviewer known for her in-depth analysis and unique perspective on the latest releases. With a background in film studies, she provides engaging and informative reviews, and keeps readers up to date with industry trends and emerging talents.