One of the most iconic series of the early 2000s, Prison Break returns to Netflix for its fifth season. Recall that this series follows the adventures of Michael Scofield (Wentworth Miller), who is ready to do anything to escape his half-brother, Lincoln Burrows (Dominic Purcell), who is wrongly convicted of murdering the brother of the Vice President of the United Kingdom. States.
In preparation for his escape, Michael Scofield had maps of Fox River Prison tattooed all over his body. Then begins a race against time to save Lincoln from execution, but also to dive into the ruthless world of the American prison world.
A huge success since its first season aired in 2005, the show has seen less success in subsequent seasons. Despite everything, the show’s popularity has allowed it to make a few returns to television, and Prison Break fans are still hoping that Season 6 can see the light of day.
As for die-hard fans of the series hoping to visit Fox River, they’ll have to make up their minds: Fox River Castle simply doesn’t exist. The prison facility was originally invented for the purpose of filming, based on the old Joliet Jail built in the suburbs of Chicago.
Killer Clown Cell
In the corridors of this penitentiary center, the memory of famous criminals who were in this prison is still preserved. And it’s also one of the worst serial killer cells in history, chosen to be Lincoln Berrow’s cell in the TV series.
Nicknamed the “Killer Clown” for his habit of dressing up sick children to entertain them, John Wayne Gacy was convicted of murdering 33 men, but also of torturing and raping them. Sentenced to death twelve times, he was executed on May 10, 1994 by lethal injection at the same Joliet prison.
Prison Break, come back soon
Fans now have the opportunity to watch the entire Prison Break series on Netflix. A rival platform – Peacock, which is currently unavailable in France – is also producing a John Wayne Geiss mini-series, described as similar to the Jeffrey Dahmer series.
It should also be noted that a third platform – Disney+, through its subsidiary Hulu – announced the reboot of the series. There will be new characters in this new version of Prison Break, and therefore it is not expected that the cast of the first series will participate in the project.
Discover the list of series currently available on Netflix!
Source: Allocine
Rose James is a Gossipify movie and series reviewer known for her in-depth analysis and unique perspective on the latest releases. With a background in film studies, she provides engaging and informative reviews, and keeps readers up to date with industry trends and emerging talents.