Discover the weather risks highlighted by Climatempo for this Wednesday 9/11/24
Discover the weather risks highlighted by Climatempo for this Wednesday, 9/11/24, for all regions of Brazil.
Visibility can still be compromised in most BRs due to smoke from the fires, which leaves the sky whitish and greyish, hiding the blue sky.
Frequent wind gusts risk map of 9/11/24 (Source: Climatempo)
Wind gusts between 51 and 70 km/h – regardless of rain – in RS, west and southwest of MS, coast and north of RJ, south of ES and on the north coast of NE; from the coast of PI to CE
Wind gusts between 40 and 50 km/h – regardless of rain – in SC, PR, central-west and north of SP, central-east and north of MS, northwest and Triângulo de Minas, GO state, in DF, south-central and eastern MT, TO state, western and northern BA, southern MA and PI
Storm risk map 24/9/11 (Source: Climatempo)
Beware of moderate to heavy rain with lightning and wind gusts of 51 to 70 km/h in the west, in Campanha and in the extreme south of RS
Moderate rains on the southern coast of Bahia and from the eastern coast of AL to the coast of Paraíba
Watch for moderate to heavy rain showers, with lightning and wind gusts of 51 to 70 km/h in the northwest in the morning
Relative humidity of the air
Low humidity risk map for 9/11/24 (Source: Climatempo)
Relative humidity ATTENTION – from 21 to 30% – in the north and north-east of RS, west, north and south of SC, central-south and north-east of PR, central-east and north-east of MG, north of BA, interior of PB, PE, south of CE, central-east of PI, central-west of RO
Relative humidity in ALERT – between 20 and 12% – west and central PR, central-east SP, south, northwest MG, DF and north GO, west BA, state TO, extreme south of MA and PI, southern PA, northwest and west of MT and extreme south of RO
Relative humidity of air in EMERGENCY – less than 12% – in the state of MS, central-south and interior of GO, northwest, west and far north of SP, central-east and south of MT and in the MG Triangle
Source: Terra
Rose James is a Gossipify movie and series reviewer known for her in-depth analysis and unique perspective on the latest releases. With a background in film studies, she provides engaging and informative reviews, and keeps readers up to date with industry trends and emerging talents.