Tonight on TV: Manu Paye has made a movie… and it’s a great comedy!

Tonight on TV: Manu Paye has made a movie… and it’s a great comedy!

What better way to end the year in style than with a fun, light and fresh comedy? That’s what Manu Payet offers us with his first and only feature film in the shoes of a filmmaker.

Want another TV tip tonight? We recommend this hilarious comedy with its hero, who dreams of young and old alike

Released in theaters in 2014, Love Situation: It’s Complicated is a comedy that probably speaks to many of us.

At the age of thirty, Ben is going to marry Juliet. His quiet, safe little life is turned upside down when he runs into someone he secretly longs to see: Vanessa, a high school crush who never looks back at him. He returned to Paris and today he only knows her…

Manu Payet sparks

Radio host, comedian, actor and now director, Manu Payet He is a truly versatile artist. Proof with this great comedy he wrote, directed and stars in.

The least we can say is that he was able to surround himself with actors who have proven themselves in the world of cinema, and especially the talented Anais Demostier, César for the best actress role, Nicolas Pariser’s drama Alice and Mary.

As a result, all his efforts were rewarded with a symbolic trophy: the OCS main prize from the Alpe d’Huez International Comedy Film Festival. A triumph for those who became famous in September 2000 at the microphone of NRJ.

Among the many comments posted on AlloCiné, we can read these few positive words: “This movie is a breath of fresh air”, “A very moving film about life as it is”, “Funny, charming, written, moving, rocking and feel good!”or “Excellent work Manu Payetand Manu Payet Reaches the Masters for his first achievement.”

Flattering words that know how to sell this charming comedy that is both funny and romantic. So have you tried it?

Tonight on NRJ12 at 9:10 p.m.

Source: Allocine

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