Willian Bigode is sentenced to pay R.5 million to Mayke, from Palmeiras, in a cryptocurrency case

Willian Bigode is sentenced to pay R$4.5 million to Mayke, from Palmeiras, in a cryptocurrency case

After the court’s decision, Gustavo Scarpa, also injured, joked: «After so many prayers»; The Santos striker’s defense has not yet commented

The Court of Sao Paulo condemned William Bigode and four other defendants to be paid approximately R $ 4.5 million Mayke and his wife, Rayanne de Almeidaas compensation for the sum invested by the couple in cryptocurrencies. The contribution was recommended by the attacker’s company. SantosWLJC Consultoria e Gestão Empresarial and managed by Xland Holding Ltda. IL Estadao he sought Willian’s defense, who still hasn’t responded. The decision can be appealed.

The request of Mayke and his wife was to receive R$4,583,789.31 (invested amount), plus R$3,250,443.30 (promised profitability). Judge Christopher Alexander Roisin, of the Court of Justice of São Paulo, refused the payment of R$7,834,232.61, but ruled that the couple should be reimbursed the amount requested, plus an adjustment.

The reason why the requested compensation is not granted is that, once the fraud in the company is recognized, the contract between the parties is canceled, which invalidates the promised profitability. The magistrate also highlighted the lack of caution on the part of the victims. “Strictly speaking, both parties acted in fraud of the law. The consumer who intended to make a risky investment with implausible return guarantees to multiply his assets, even if due to negligent and improper guidance on the part of the company of financial consultancy and the defendant

The judge recalled that during the trial requests for seizure of the defendants’ assets were accepted. In March 2024, for example, Roisin ordered the freezing of R$7.8 million from the accounts of Willian Bigode and his WLJC associates (his wife, Loisy Marla Coelhi Pires de Siqueira and Camila Moreira de Biasi Fava). The two were also convicted, as were Jean do Carmo Ribeiro and Gabriel de Souza Nascimento, partners of Xland.

The defendants’ argument attempts to ignore the consumer relationship in the agreement signed between the parties. The full-back and his wife are alleged to have been “qualified investors” (with the ability to invest large sums). The defendants also highlighted the high risk of investing in cryptocurrencies as something natural.

This was not enough to convince the judge, who took the Consumer Protection Code as the basis for his decision, arguing that Mayke and his wife had no technical knowledge of the financial market and were not professional investors.

In addition to compensation, the three WLJC partners (Willian, Loisy and Camila) will have to pay a fine equal to 10% of the value of the conviction for bad faith litigation.

If the defendants want to appeal, the cost is R$ 106,080.00. The decision does not set a deadline for the payment of compensation. However, according to the Code of Civil Procedure, the deadline for voluntary execution of the sentence, after notification to the parties, is 15 working days. If payment is not made within this deadline, there is a penalty equal to 10% of the amount due and the initiation of the forced compliance procedure, with the possibility of seizure of the goods.

Scarpa jokes about the decision and vents: ‘Be a man and take charge of your BO’

This decision refers only to the requests made by Mayke, but Gustavo Scarpa also denounces the same defendants. Both point out that Willian and his partner Camila Moreira de Biasi have suggested investing in XLand, which would offer a return of 2% to 5% on the amount invested. Scarpa invested R$6.3 million, while Mayke and his wife, Rayanne de Almeida, invested R$4,583,789.31.

After the decision was announced, Scarpa spoke out on his Instagram. He quipped that he would “keep praying,” in reference to a message from Willian about when the amounts could not be withdrawn. “Now is the time to pray, Scarpinha,” Willian then said.

“One thing that makes me very disappointed is seeing scoundrels using the name of God to justify their deceptions,” Scarpa writes. “Be a man and assume your responsibilities. Be a man and assume your responsibilities,” he concluded.

The problems with XLand began in mid-2022, when Palmeiras players tried to restore profitability, but were unsuccessful after repeated denials and delays from XLand. They subsequently attempted to terminate the contract, once again without receiving the amount owed.

After repeated contact with partners the incident report. Since then, the case has been ongoing in the courts of São Paulo, without a decision on the guilt of the defendants having yet been made.

Source: Terra

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