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Joe Biden discusses plan to fight abortion decision, urges voters to focus on gun policy

President Joe Biden had a dubious conversation with Jimmy Kimmel on Wednesday, where the pair discussed gun legislation and the ongoing debate against Rowe Wade.

In times of Biden Jimmy Kimmel Live! During a visit to his first studio after its nightly opening, Kimmel asked the president if he would issue an executive order to sell guns in Buffalo, New York, and Waldale, Texas, in response to the recent mass shootings.

“I have given executive orders within the powers of the president to be able to handle everything related to guns, possession of weapons, everything that is under my authority,” Biden replied. “But what I don’t want to do, and I’m not faking it, I don’t want to imitate Trump’s abuse of the Constitution and constitutional powers.

He continued: “And I’m serious, because I’m often asked, ‘Look, the Republicans aren’t kidding. Why do you play in the square? Well guess what? If we do what they do, our democracy is literally threatened.

Biden urged the public to use the politician’s views on gun legislation as a determining factor in whether or not to vote for this man. “You need to make sure it becomes a voting issue,” Biden said. “This should be one of the issues where you decide your position on this issue. …’Რa [politicians] You said that everything determines how you vote.”

After Kimmel released the draft opinion that the Supreme Court would reverse against Ro Wade, Biden said, “If that happens, I think we should legislate. We need to make sure we get a law that makes it a law that says, “The federal government says it works this way.”

The commander in chief added that he was preparing to see how he would respond if the case for legalizing abortion was dropped in 1973. “It’s just ridiculous, in my opinion,” Biden said of the possible decision. “I don’t think the country supports it and I think what we need to do is have some executive orders that I can use, we thought. Let’s discuss it now.”

Biden predicted that such a Supreme Court ruling could lead to a “mini-revolution” and reminded viewers to go to the polls: “If you revoke Rowe Wade and the state of California won’t, but other states say, ‘You can’t do the following. And this is a no-cross-the-border law, which some states have, so you have to make sure you get the vote. You have to vote and let people know what you think. the devil.”

Source: Hollywood Reporter

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