Marina Casas presents “Cicatriz Activa”, her new album

Marina Casas presents “Cicatriz Activa”, her new album

Marina Casas surprises with “Cicatriz Activa”, her second album.

Just like his previous musical projects, this brand new album He is characterized and distinguished by his disruptive words in which he exposes deep themes both wrapped in sarcasm and humor.

“Cicatriz Activa” is made up of ten songs about love, heartbreak, the body, mental health, neurosis, loneliness and pain.

This album contains tap dancing in five of its songs as another instrument, this dance/music element being its most distinctive feature in its music, inviting the listener to listen as a percussive instrument an element commonly associated with the visual in dance and others. musical genres.

In this project, tap merges with the pop style of the album in which, unlike previous songs, there is a new experimentation towards pop rock, synth, electro and indie and alternative.

Source: Qmusica

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