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The Simpsons: Season 34 Will Reveal How Show Predicts the Future, Says Producer

In more than 700 episodes, The Simpsons has predicted election results, Nobel laureates and even technological advances; understand

On the air since 1989, the simpsonshave yielded enough adventures to complete 33 impressive seasons. There are 731 episodes of acid jokes and, occasionally, predictions that surprise fans. Now, according to the producer Matt Selmanthe 34th season of the animated series must finally reveal how the show has already predicted so many events.

There are many factors that make the simpsonsa series so famous around the world — and the humor of the episodes is one of the main ones. But the fact that the series has predicted so many episodes of the story over the years is not to be ruled out.

In a 1998 episode, for example, the animation predicted that the disney would buy the Fox. Later, the plot revealed one of the plot twists of game of Thronespredicted the Brazilian banknote of R$ 200, guessed that Donald Trump would be elected in the United States and even hit the name of a winner of the Nobel Prizesix years before his victory.

now second Matt Selman, the supposed ‘mediumship’ of the show’s writers should be explained in the next season. This is because, in an interview with deadlinethe producer revealed that the 34th phase of the animation will feature a concept episode on the theme.

We will have a concept episode that explains how the simpsonsknow the future,” he revealed. “It’s an episode with a lot of crazy stuff, but it explains how the simpsonscan guess things.”

In its years of airing on televisions around the world, the simpsonsalready won 34 Emmys and was appointed to the Oscar for the short film The Longest Daycare2012. Scheduled to premiere on September 25, its next season should add even more adventures to the show of the most yellow and dearest family in the world of animation.

Source: Rollingstone

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