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What to eat to get rid of dark circles under the eyes

Struggling with dark circles under the eyes? You’re not alone!

Rings that make a girl look like a raccoon can appear in each of us. “There are different causes of dark circles under the eyes, and fatigue, contrary to popular belief, is not the main one,” says Maryam Zamani, an oculoplastic surgeon and doctor of aesthetic medicine from the UK.

Most often, hyperpigmentation associated with both genetics and environmental influences gives this effect. Another common cause is poor circulation, which causes veins and vessels to grow larger and darker, forming dark shadows around the eyes.

How to understand what exactly happened to you? Dennis Gross, MD, dermatologist, recommends a pinch test. “Pinch the skin in a fold, lift it up and examine it. Did she stay brown? So you have a pigment problem. Is the color better? You probably have varicose veins,” she explains.

What should I eat to get rid of dark circles under my eyes?

The first thing to do if you want to get rid of dark circles under the eyes is to analyze your diet. “A diet that includes fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats can visibly improve skin all over the body, including the eye area,” says Paula Begun, founder of her own brand of cosmetics and author of over 20 beauty books. .


What type of products should be chosen from those that fall into the Hollow categories listed? Watch out for those that are high in the antioxidant lycopene, which improves circulation and protects blood vessels. It is found in abundance in red fruits and vegetables – here are the top five:

  1. rosehip – 6.8 mg per 100 grams;
  2. guava – 5.2 mg per 100 grams;
  3. watermelon – 4.5 mg per 100 grams;
  4. tomato – 2.7 mg per 100 grams;
  5. papaya – 1.8 mg mg per 100 grams.

By the way, in many countries the main source of lycopene in people’s diets is not only fresh vegetables, but also products containing tomatoes: in the UK and France – canned tomatoes, in the Netherlands and Ireland – tomato soups, in Belgium – tomato sauces. So don’t ignore processed tomatoes – they’ll do you good too!

What else will help remove dark circles under the eyes?

  • Get enough sleep! Also, use a bulky pillow – sleeping on your back with your head elevated will prevent facial swelling and ensure free blood circulation throughout the body.
  • Stay hydrated! Moisture-saturated skin will become more voluminous, making dark circles under the eyes less noticeable.
  • Stop smoking. Studies have shown that habitual and indirect exposure to tobacco smoke exacerbates the problem.
  • Learn the composition of cosmetics. For the area under the eyes, you need products containing caffeine, hyaluronic acid, tripeptides, ceramides and vitamin C.

Do you have dark circles under your eyes?



Source: The Voice Mag

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